

所有 个人的 我参与的
Forks 暂停/关闭的

    DJ / junqiRpg


    DJ / dot-vimrc

    Maple's vim config files

    DJ / Vive-Virtual-Button-Designer

    An interactive toolkit for designing virtual buttons on the touchpad of HTC Vive controllers

    DJ / IMP

    billboard imposter baking for Unity

    DJ / UnityPackedColor

    Packer for already packed textures at unity game engine - up to 3 times less space.

    DJ / FBXImporterExporterForUnity_20170806

    Version 2017/08/06 - Unity5.6.3のシーンを最新のFBX SDK 2018.1.1(DCCTools 2017対応)を使用してスキニング対応のアニメーション付でFBX形式ファイルをランタイムにインポート(入力)とエクスポート(FBX/DAE/OBJ/DXF出力)するUnityプロジェクト(※モーションキャプチャデバイスのPerception Neuron/Kinect SDK 1.8(Kinect1)/2.0(Kinect2)にも対応<Animatorのリターゲット機能付き>

    DJ / OpenCV3-Intro-Book-Src

    :blue_book:《OpenCV3编程入门》书本配套源码 |《Introduction to OpenCV3 Programming》Book Source Code

    DJ / Fiber2D

    Cross-platform 2D Game Engine in pure Swift

    DJ / Unity-Miscellaneous-Shaders


    DJ / CardExample-Unity

    DJ / Real-Time-Rendering-3rd-CN-Summary-Ebook

    :blue_book: 电子书 -《Real-Time Rendering 3rd》提炼总结 | 全书共9万7千余字。你可以把它看做中文通俗版的《Real-Time Rendering 3rd》,也可以把它看做《Real-Time Rendering 3rd》的解读版与配套学习伴侣,或者《Real-Time Rendering 4th》的前置阅读材料。

    DJ / Unity3d.UI.Windows

    Unity 3D UI (uGUI) Windows Extensions

    DJ / SGI-STL

    剖析 STL 是一种享受的过程!

    DJ / webgl-workshop

    :mortar_board: The sequel to shader-school: Learn the WebGL API

    DJ / shader-school

    :mortar_board: A workshopper for GLSL shaders and graphics programming

    DJ / ugui-super-scrollview-example

    Sample project that summarizes usage examples of "UGUI Super ScrollView".

    DJ / used_books

    some used nice books

    DJ / animeface-2009

    Face and Landmark Detector for Anime/Manga. This is 2009s version of Imager::AnimeFace, but it works on recent system.

    DJ / SEGI

    A fully-dynamic voxel-based global illumination system for Unity

    DJ / keras-js

    Run Keras models in the browser, with GPU support using WebGL
