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ins_core.py 19.48 KB
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2020/9/10 下午9:50
# @Author : rebeater
# @File : ins_core.py
# @Project: LooselyCouple_2020
# @Function: Inertial Navigation System Core Functions
import numpy as np
# import yaml
_deg = np.pi / 180.0
_hour = 3600
_sqrt_hour = 60
_mGal = 1e-5
_ppm = 1e-6
class ImuPara:
def __init__(self, yml_path):
import yaml
with open(yml_path) as f:
args = yaml.safe_load(f)
self.gb_std = np.array(args["gb_std"]) * _deg / _hour
self.ab_std = np.array(args["ab_std"]) * _mGal
self.gs_std = np.array(args["gs_std"]) * _ppm
self.as_std = np.array(args["as_std"]) * _ppm
self.gb_ini = np.array(args["gb_ini"]) * _deg / _hour
self.ab_ini = np.array(args["ab_ini"]) * _mGal
self.gs_ini = np.array(args["gs_ini"]) * _ppm
self.as_ini = np.array(args["as_ini"]) * _ppm
self.arw = args["arw"] * _deg / _sqrt_hour
self.vrw = args["vrw"] / _sqrt_hour
self.at_corr = args["at_corr"] * _hour
self.gt_corr = args["gt_corr"] * _hour
class WGS84:
def __init__(self):
# 长轴
self.r = 6378137.0
# 地球自转速度
self.omega_e = 7.2921151467e-5
# WGS84椭球坐标系 第一偏心率
self.e2 = 0.00669437999013
# 赤道重力
self.g0 = 9.7803267715
self.omega_ie_e = np.array([
0, 0, self.omega_e
], dtype=np.double)
def RM(self, phi):
return self.r * (1 - self.e2) / np.power(1 - self.e2 * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(phi), 1.5)
def RN(self, phi):
return self.r / np.sqrt(1 - self.e2 * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(phi))
def dN(self, lat1, lat2):
dn = (lat1 - lat2) * self.RM(lat1)
return dn
def dE(self, lat1, lon1, lon2):
de = (lon1 - lon2) * self.RN(lat1) * np.cos(lat1)
return de
def ecef_to_lla(self, xyz):
x, y, z = xyz
p = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
lon = 2.0 * np.arctan2(y, x + p)
lat = np.arctan(z / (p * (1 - self.e2)))
h = 0
circle = 0
while True:
RN = self.RN(lat)
h_pre = h
h = p / np.cos(lat) - RN
lat = np.arctan2(z, p * (1 - self.e2 * RN / (RN + h)))
if np.fabs(h - h_pre) < 1e-8:
circle += 1
if circle > 10:
print("ecef-frame can't be transmit to n-frame")
return np.array([lat, lon, h], dtype=np.double)
def lla_to_ecef(self, lla):
:reference::reference:Shin, E.-H. (2005). E2.20
:param lla: deg
lat, lon, h = lla[0], lla[1], lla[2]
re = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.double)
rn = self.RN(lat)
re[0] = (rn + h) * np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon)
re[1] = (rn + h) * np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon)
re[2] = (rn * (1 - self.e2) + h) * np.sin(lat)
return re
# @staticmethod
def lla_to_cne(self,lat, lon):
Cne: DCM N-frame to E-frame
:reference::reference:Shin, E.-H. (2005). E2.26
:param lat:
:param lon:
sin_lat = np.sin(lat)
cos_lat = np.cos(lat)
sin_lon = np.sin(lon)
cos_lon = np.cos(lon)
cne = np.array([
[-sin_lat * cos_lon, -sin_lon, -cos_lat * cos_lon],
[-sin_lat * sin_lon, cos_lon, -cos_lat * sin_lon],
[cos_lat, 0, -sin_lat]
], np.double)
return cne
def omega_en_n(self, vn, ve, h, lat):
rm = self.RM(lat)
rn = self.RN(lat)
return np.array([
ve / (rn + h), -vn / (rm + h), -ve * np.tan(lat) / (rn + h)
], dtype=np.double)
def omega_ie_n(self, phi):
return np.array([self.omega_e * np.cos(phi), 0.0, -self.omega_e * np.sin(phi)], dtype=np.double)
def g(self, lat, h):
sin2 = np.sin(lat) ** 2
g = self.g0 * (
1 + 0.0052790414 * sin2 + 0.0000232718 * sin2 ** 2) + h * (
0.0000000043977311 * sin2 - 0.0000030876910891
) + 0.0000000000007211 * h ** 2
return g
# Quaternion
class Quaternion:
def __init__(self, p0, pv1, pv2, pv3):
self.p0 = p0
self.pv = np.array([pv1, pv2, pv3], dtype=np.double)
def __str__(self):
string = "Q: %.9f,[%.9f,%.9f,%.9f]" % (self.p0, self.pv[0], self.pv[1], self.pv[2])
return string
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.p0 == other.p0) & (self.pv == other.pv)[0] & (self.pv == other.pv)[1] & (self.pv == other.pv)[2]
def __add__(self, other):
p0 = self.p0 + other.p0
pv = self.pv + other.pv
return Quaternion(p0, pv[0], pv[1], pv[2])
def __sub__(self, other):
p0 = self.p0 - other.p0
pv = self.pv - other.pv
return Quaternion(p0, pv[0], pv[1], pv[2])
def __mul__(self, other):
p0 = self.p0
p1 = self.pv[0]
p2 = self.pv[1]
p3 = self.pv[2]
q0 = other.p0
q1 = other.pv[0]
q2 = other.pv[1]
q3 = other.pv[2]
r0 = p0 * q0 - p1 * q1 - p2 * q2 - p3 * q3
v0 = p0 * q1 + p1 * q0 + p2 * q3 - p3 * q2
v1 = p0 * q2 + p2 * q0 + p3 * q1 - p1 * q3
v2 = p0 * q3 + p3 * q0 + p1 * q2 - p2 * q1
return Quaternion(r0, v0, v1, v2)
def __abs__(self):
return np.sqrt(self.p0 * self.p0 + np.matmul(self.pv, self.pv))
# 除以整数
def __truediv__(self, other):
return Quaternion(self.p0 / other, self.pv[0] / other, self.pv[1] / other, self.pv[2] / other)
# 归一化
def normalize(self):
return self / abs(self)
def conj(self):
return Quaternion(self.p0, -self.pv[0], -self.pv[1], -self.pv[2])
def gyro_to_rv(delta_theta_k, delta_theta_k1):
:reference:Shin, E.-H. (2005). E2.60
:param delta_theta_k:
:param delta_theta_k1:
return delta_theta_k + np.cross(delta_theta_k1, delta_theta_k) / 12.0
def rv_to_quaternion(rv):
:reference:Shin, E.-H. (2005). E2.5
mag2 = rv[0] ** 2 + rv[1] ** 2 + rv[2] ** 2
if mag2 < np.pi ** 2:
mag2 = 0.25 * mag2
cos = 1.0 - mag2 / 2.0 * (1.0 - mag2 / 12.0 * (1 - mag2 / 30.0))
sin = 1.0 - mag2 / 6.0 * (1.0 - mag2 / 20.0 * (1 - mag2 / 42.0))
q = Quaternion(cos, 0.5 * sin * rv[0], 0.5 * sin * rv[1], 0.5 * sin * rv[2])
mag = np.sqrt(mag2)
s_mag = np.sin(mag / 2)
q = Quaternion(
np.cos(mag / 2),
rv[0] * s_mag / mag,
rv[1] * s_mag / mag,
rv[2] * s_mag / mag,
if q.p0 < 0:
q = Quaternion(
-np.cos(mag / 2),
- rv[0] * s_mag / mag,
- rv[1] * s_mag / mag,
- rv[2] * s_mag / mag,
return q
def rv_to_dcm(rv):
norm = np.sqrt(rv[0] * rv[0] + rv[1] * rv[1] + rv[2] * rv[2])
eye3 = np.eye(3, dtype=np.double)
skew = skew_sym(rv)
return eye3 + np.sin(norm) / norm * skew + (1 - np.cos(norm)) / (norm * norm) * np.matmul(skew, skew)
def quaternion_to_dcm(q: Quaternion):
DCM in terms of Quaternion
:reference:Shin, E.-H. (2005). E2.9
:param q:
q1 = q.p0
q2 = q.pv[0]
q3 = q.pv[1]
q4 = q.pv[2]
dcm = np.zeros([3, 3], dtype=np.double)
dcm[0, 0] = q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 - q3 * q3 - q4 * q4
dcm[0, 1] = 2 * (q2 * q3 - q1 * q4)
dcm[0, 2] = 2 * (q2 * q4 + q1 * q3)
dcm[1, 0] = 2 * (q2 * q3 + q1 * q4)
dcm[1, 1] = q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 + q3 * q3 - q4 * q4
dcm[1, 2] = 2 * (q3 * q4 - q1 * q2)
dcm[2, 0] = 2 * (q2 * q4 - q1 * q3)
dcm[2, 1] = 2 * (q3 * q4 + q1 * q2)
dcm[2, 2] = q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 - q3 * q3 + q4 * q4
return dcm
def dcm_to_euler(dcm):
Euler in terms of DCM
:reference:Shin, E.-H. (2005). E2.16
:param dcm:
theta = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.double)
pitch = np.arctan(-dcm[2, 0] / np.sqrt(dcm[2, 1] * dcm[2, 1] + dcm[2, 2] * dcm[2, 2]))
if dcm[2, 0] <= -0.999:
roll = np.NaN
heading = np.arctan2(dcm[1, 2] - dcm[0, 1], dcm[0, 2] + dcm[1, 1])
elif dcm[2, 0] >= 0.999:
roll = np.NaN
heading = np.arctan2(dcm[1, 2] + dcm[0, 1], dcm[0, 2] + dcm[1, 1]) + np.pi
roll = np.arctan2(dcm[2, 1], dcm[2, 2])
heading = np.arctan2(dcm[1, 0], dcm[0, 0])
theta[1] = pitch
theta[0] = roll
theta[2] = heading
return theta
# def dcm_to_quaternion(dcm):
# """
# quaternion in terms of dcm
# :param dcm:
# :return:
# """
# pass
def euler_to_quaternion(euler):
roll, pitch, heading = euler[0], euler[1], euler[2]
q0 = np.cos(roll / 2) * np.cos(pitch / 2) * np.cos(heading / 2) + np.sin(roll / 2) * np.sin(pitch / 2) * np.sin(
heading / 2)
q1 = np.sin(roll / 2) * np.cos(pitch / 2) * np.cos(heading / 2) - np.cos(roll / 2) * np.sin(pitch / 2) * np.sin(
heading / 2)
q2 = np.cos(roll / 2) * np.sin(pitch / 2) * np.cos(heading / 2) + np.sin(roll / 2) * np.cos(pitch / 2) * np.sin(
heading / 2)
q3 = np.cos(roll / 2) * np.cos(pitch / 2) * np.sin(heading / 2) - np.sin(roll / 2) * np.sin(pitch / 2) * np.cos(
heading / 2)
return Quaternion(q0, q1, q2, q3)
def euler_to_dcm(roll, pitch, heading):
DCM in terms of euler
:reference:Shin, E.-H. (2005). E2.15
:param roll:
:param pitch:
:param heading:
phi, theta, psi = roll, pitch, heading
c = np.zeros([3, 3], dtype=np.double)
c[0, 0] = np.cos(theta) * np.cos(psi)
c[0, 1] = -np.cos(phi) * np.sin(psi) + np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(psi)
c[0, 2] = np.sin(phi) * np.sin(psi) + np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(psi)
c[1, 0] = np.cos(theta) * np.sin(psi)
c[1, 1] = np.cos(phi) * np.cos(psi) + np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(psi)
c[1, 2] = -np.sin(phi) * np.cos(psi) + np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(psi)
c[2, 0] = - np.sin(theta)
c[2, 1] = np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta)
c[2, 2] = np.cos(phi) * np.cos(theta)
return c
# cross-product(skew-symmetric) equation 2.11
def skew_sym(phi):
m = np.zeros([3, 3], dtype=np.double)
m[0, 1] = -phi[2]
m[0, 2] = phi[1]
m[1, 0] = phi[2]
m[1, 2] = -phi[0]
m[2, 0] = -phi[1]
m[2, 1] = phi[0]
return m
def lla_to_cne(lat, lon):
dcm = np.zeros([3, 3], dtype=np.double)
dcm[0, 0] = -np.sin(lat) * np.cos(lon)
dcm[0, 1] = -np.sin(lon)
dcm[0, 2] = -np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon)
dcm[1, 0] = -np.sin(lat) * np.sin(lon)
dcm[1, 1] = np.cos(lon)
dcm[1, 2] = -np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon)
dcm[2, 0] = np.cos(lat)
dcm[2, 0] = 0
dcm[2, 2] = -np.sin(lat)
return dcm
def lla_to_qne(latitude, longitude):
phi = -0.25 * np.pi - 0.5 * latitude
lamda = 0.5 * longitude
q0 = np.cos(phi) * np.cos(lamda)
q1 = -np.sin(phi) * np.sin(lamda)
q2 = np.sin(phi) * np.cos(lamda)
q3 = np.cos(phi) * np.sin(lamda)
return Quaternion(q0, q1, q2, q3)
def qne_to_lla(q: Quaternion):
Quaternion Q_ne -> lat,lon
:param q: Q_ne
a = np.arctan(q.pv[1] / q.p0)
b = np.arctan2(q.pv[2], q.p0)
latitude = (-0.5 * np.pi - 2 * a)
longitude = 2 * b
return latitude, longitude
class NavData:
def __init__(self, nav):
self.week = nav[0]
self.time_s = nav[1]
self.latitude = nav[2] * np.pi / 180.0
self.longitude = nav[3] * np.pi / 180.0
self.height = nav[4]
self.roll = nav[8] * np.pi / 180.0
self.pitch = nav[9] * np.pi / 180.0
self.heading = nav[10] * np.pi / 180.0
self.v_f_k_b = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.double)
self.dvn = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.double)
self.Qbn = euler_to_quaternion(np.deg2rad(nav[8:11]))
self.Cbn = euler_to_dcm(self.roll, self.pitch, self.heading)
self.Qne = lla_to_qne(self.latitude, self.longitude)
self.Vn = np.array([
nav[5], nav[6], nav[7]
], dtype=np.double)
self.atti = np.array([
self.roll, self.pitch, self.heading
], dtype=np.double)
self.gyro_bias = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.double)
self.acce_bias = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.double)
self.gyro_scale = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.double)
self.acce_scale = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.double)
def __str__(self):
return "%d,%.4f,%.8f,%.8f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%0.4f" % (
self.week, self.time_s,
self.latitude * 180.0 / np.pi, self.longitude * 180.0 / np.pi, self.height,
self.Vn[0], self.Vn[1], self.Vn[2],
self.roll * 180.0 / np.pi, self.pitch * 180.0 / np.pi, self.heading * 180.0 / np.pi)
def to_array(self):
return np.array([
self.time_s, self.latitude, self.longitude, self.height,
self.Vn[0], self.Vn[1], self.Vn[2],
self.roll, self.pitch, self.heading,
], dtype=np.double)
def __compensate_imu(imu_data, nav: NavData, delta_t):
scale = np.eye(3) - np.diag(nav.gyro_scale)
d_theta = scale @ (imu_data[1:4] - nav.gyro_bias * delta_t) # 陀螺仪输出
scale = np.eye(3) - np.diag(nav.acce_scale)
dv_fb = scale @ (imu_data[4:7] - nav.acce_bias * delta_t)
return np.array([
imu_data[0], d_theta[0], d_theta[1], d_theta[2], dv_fb[0], dv_fb[1], dv_fb[2]
], np.double)
def progress(percent, width=100):
:param percent:进度
:param width:
:return: None
if percent >= 100:
percent = 100
show_str = ('[%%-%ds]' % width) % (int(width * percent / 100) * ">") # 字符串拼接的嵌套使用 219
print('\r%s %.1f%%' % (show_str, percent), end='')
def write2txt(f, nav: NavData):
f.write("%5d" % nav.week)
f.write("%13.5f" % nav.time_s)
f.write("%20.15f" % (nav.latitude * 180.0 / np.pi))
f.write("%20.15f" % (nav.longitude * 180.0 / np.pi))
f.write("%16.10f" % nav.height)
f.write("%20.10f" % (nav.Vn[0]))
f.write("%20.10f" % (nav.Vn[1]))
f.write("%20.10f" % (nav.Vn[2]))
f.write("%12.6f" % (nav.roll * 180.0 / np.pi))
f.write("%12.6f" % (nav.pitch * 180.0 / np.pi))
f.write("%12.6f" % (nav.heading * 180.0 / np.pi))
f.write(" %10.0f" % (nav.gyro_bias[0] / _deg * _hour))
f.write(" %10.0f" % (nav.gyro_bias[1] / _deg * _hour))
f.write(" %10.0f" % (nav.gyro_bias[2] / _deg * _hour))
f.write(" %10.0f" % (nav.acce_bias[0] / _mGal))
f.write(" %10.0f" % (nav.acce_bias[1] / _mGal))
f.write(" %10.0f" % (nav.acce_bias[2] / _mGal))
wgs84 = WGS84()
def get_distance(nav1: NavData, nav2: NavData):
dn = wgs84.dN(nav1.latitude, nav2.latitude)
de = wgs84.dE(nav1.latitude, nav1.longitude, nav2.longitude)
dd = np.abs(nav1.height - nav2.height)
d = np.sqrt(dn ** 2 + de ** 2) # TODO 高度误差
return dn, de, dd, d
def mechanization_n(cur_imu, last_imu, last_epoch: NavData):
INS mechanization in terms of N-frame
:reference:Shin, E.-H. (2005). C2.3
:param cur_imu: [0]:GPS-t [1]:gx [2]:gy, [3]:gz [4]:ax [5]:ay [6]:az
:param last_imu: [0]:GPS-t [1]:gx [2]:gy, [3]:gz [4]:ax [5]:ay [6]:az
:param last_epoch: last Navigation Data
last_q_b_n = last_epoch.Qbn #
last_dcm_b_n = last_epoch.Cbn #
last_q_n_e = last_epoch.Qne #
if cur_imu[0] < last_epoch.time_s:
raise ValueError("current imu time(%f) is NOT after last epoch(%f)" % (cur_imu[0], last_epoch.time_s))
delta_t = cur_imu[0] - last_epoch.time_s
if delta_t > 1.0 / 100:
raise Warning("current imu time(%f) is pretty FAR from last epoch(%f)" % (cur_imu[0], last_epoch.time_s))
assert -1000 < last_epoch.height < 10000 # 单纯避免跑飞
current_epoch = last_epoch # 复制上时刻信息,其实主要是零偏,单独复制零偏也可
current_epoch.time_s = cur_imu[0]
cur_imudata = __compensate_imu(cur_imu, last_epoch, delta_t)
last_imu = __compensate_imu(last_imu, last_epoch, delta_t)
theta_delta = cur_imudata[1:4] # 陀螺仪输出
theta_delta_k1 = last_imu[1:4]
last_v_n = last_epoch.Vn
dv_fb = cur_imudata[4:7] # 当前加表输出
dv_fb_last = last_imu[4:7] # 上时刻加表输出
omega_en_n = wgs84.omega_en_n(last_v_n[0], last_v_n[1], last_epoch.height, last_epoch.latitude)
omega_ie_n = wgs84.omega_ie_n(last_epoch.latitude)
# 外插一个历元 E2.50-2.51,计算中间时刻的位置速度
h_mid = last_epoch.height - last_epoch.Vn[2] * delta_t / 2
zeta_mid = (omega_en_n + omega_ie_n) * delta_t / 2
epsilon_mid = wgs84.omega_ie_e * delta_t / 2
q_nn_mid = rv_to_quaternion(zeta_mid)
q_ee_mid = rv_to_quaternion(epsilon_mid).conj()
q_ne_mid = q_ee_mid * last_q_n_e * q_nn_mid # 中间时刻的位置
lat_mid, lon_mid = qne_to_lla(q_ne_mid)
vn_mid = last_v_n + 0.5 * last_epoch.dvn
# 重新计算omega_in_n
omega_ie_n = wgs84.omega_ie_n(lat_mid)
omega_en_n = wgs84.omega_en_n(vn_mid[0], vn_mid[1], h_mid, lat_mid)
# 正式开始更新速度
gamma = np.array([0, 0, wgs84.g(last_epoch.latitude, last_epoch.height)],
v_g_cor = (gamma - np.cross(2 * omega_ie_n + omega_en_n, last_epoch.Vn)) * delta_t
# 等效旋转矢量 n系
i3 = np.eye(3, dtype=np.double)
zeta_k1_k = (omega_en_n + omega_ie_n) * delta_t
# 比力变化量 b系
# sculling motion
last_v_f_k_b = dv_fb + 0.5 * np.cross(theta_delta, dv_fb) + (
np.cross(theta_delta_k1, dv_fb) + np.cross(dv_fb_last, theta_delta)) / 12.0
# 计算当前速度
current_v_f_k_b = (i3 - 0.5 * skew_sym(zeta_k1_k)) @ last_dcm_b_n @ last_v_f_k_b
current_v_n = last_v_n + current_v_f_k_b + v_g_cor
current_epoch.dvn = current_v_f_k_b + v_g_cor
current_epoch.v_f_k_b = current_v_f_k_b / delta_t
current_epoch.Vn = current_v_n
''' 位置更新 更新Qne'''
epsilon_k = wgs84.omega_ie_e * delta_t
q_e_e_delta = rv_to_quaternion(epsilon_k).conj()
zeta_k = (omega_ie_n + omega_en_n) * delta_t
q_n_n_delta = rv_to_quaternion(zeta_k)
current_q_n_e = q_e_e_delta * last_q_n_e * q_n_n_delta
current_epoch.Qne = current_q_n_e.normalize()
# 位置更新完毕,重新计算omega_en_n,omega_ie_e
lat, lon = qne_to_lla(current_epoch.Qne)
vn_mid = (last_v_n + current_v_n) / 2
omega_ie_n = wgs84.omega_ie_n(lat)
omega_en_n = wgs84.omega_en_n(vn_mid[0], vn_mid[1], h_mid, lat)
# zeta_k = (omega_en_n + omega_ie_n) / 2
''' 姿态更新更新Qbn'''
# rotation vector
rv_b_b_delta = gyro_to_rv(theta_delta, theta_delta_k1)
# b-frame quaternion
q_b_b_delta = rv_to_quaternion(rv_b_b_delta)
# n-frame quaternion
zeta_k = (omega_ie_n + omega_en_n) * delta_t
q_n_n_delta_skew = rv_to_quaternion(zeta_k).conj()
# update quaternion
q_b_n_current = q_n_n_delta_skew * last_q_b_n * q_b_b_delta
current_epoch.Qbn = q_b_n_current.normalize() # 归一化
# output
current_epoch.latitude, current_epoch.longitude = lat, lon
current_epoch.height = last_epoch.height - vn_mid[2] * delta_t
current_epoch.Cbn = quaternion_to_dcm(q_b_n_current) # 先变成dcm再变成姿态角
euler_angle = dcm_to_euler(current_epoch.Cbn)
current_epoch.roll = euler_angle[0] #
current_epoch.pitch = euler_angle[1]
current_epoch.heading = euler_angle[2]
current_epoch.atti = euler_angle
current_epoch.Qbn = q_b_n_current
return current_epoch
