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goblinkun / elephantfish

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test.py 8.83 KB
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bupticybee 提交于 2020-03-14 02:02 . :new:初步完成PVS算法
#!/usr/bin/env pypy
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import subprocess
import signal
import argparse
import importlib
import itertools
import multiprocessing
import random
import unittest
import warnings
import elephantfish
import tools
# Benchmarking
def benchmark(cnt=20, depth=3):
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/fen/random_openings.fen')
start = time.time()
nodes = 0
for i, line in enumerate(random.sample(list(open(path)), cnt)):
pos = tools.parseFEN(line)
searcher = elephantfish.Searcher()
start1 = time.time()
for search_depth, _, _ in searcher.search(pos):
speed = int(round(searcher.nodes/(time.time()-start1 + 1e-6)))
print('Benchmark: {}/{}, Depth: {}, Speed: {:,}N/s'.format(
i+1, cnt, search_depth, speed), end='\r')
if search_depth == depth:
nodes += searcher.nodes
total_time = time.time() - start
speed = int(round(nodes/total_time))
print('Total time: {}, Total nodes: {}, Average speed: {:,}N/s'.format(
total_time, nodes, speed))
# Playing test
def selfplay(secs=1):
""" Start a game elephantfish vs. elephantfish """
pos = tools.parseFEN(tools.FEN_INITIAL)
for d in range(200):
# Always print the board from the same direction
board = pos.board if d % 2 == 0 else pos.rotate().board
print(' '.join(board))
m, _, _ = tools.search(elephantfish.Searcher(), pos, secs)
if m is None:
print("Game over")
print("\nmove", tools.mrender(pos, m))
pos = pos.move(m)
def self_arena(version1, version2, games, secs, plus):
print('Playing {} games of {} vs. {} at {} secs/game + {} secs/move'
.format(games, version1, version2, secs, plus))
openings_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/fen/random_openings.fen')
openings = random.sample(list(open(openings_file)), games)
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
instances = [random.choice([
(version1, version2, secs, plus, fen),
(version2, version1, secs, plus, fen),
]) for fen in openings]
wins = 0
losses = 0
for i, r in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(play, instances)):
if r is None:
print('-', end='', flush=True)
if r == version1:
wins += 1
print('w', end='', flush=True)
if r == version2:
losses += 1
print('l', end='', flush=True)
if i % 80 == 79:
print('{} wins, {} draws, {} losses out of {}'.format(wins,i+1-wins-losses,losses,i+1))
print('Result: {} wins, {} draws, {} losses out of {}'.format(wins,games-wins-losses,losses,games))
def play(version1_version2_secs_plus_fen):
''' returns 1 if fish1 won, 0 for draw and -1 otherwise '''
version1, version2, secs, plus, fen = version1_version2_secs_plus_fen
modules = [importlib.import_module(version1), importlib.import_module(version2)]
searchers = []
for module in modules:
if hasattr(module, 'Searcher'):
else: searchers.append(module)
times = [secs, secs]
efactor = [1, 1]
pos = tools.parseFEN(fen)
seen = set()
for d in range(200):
moves_remain = 30
use = times[d%2]/moves_remain + plus
# Use a bit more time, if we have more on the clock than our opponent
use += (times[d%2] - times[(d+1)%2])/10
use = max(use, plus)
t = time.time()
m, score, depth = tools.search(searchers[d%2], pos, use*efactor[d%2])
efactor[d%2] *= (use/(time.time() - t + 1e-3))**.5
times[d%2] -= time.time() - t
times[d%2] += plus
#print('Used {:.2} rather than {:.2}. Off by {:.2}. Remaining: {}'
#.format(time.time()-t, use, (time.time()-t)/use, times[d%2]))
if times[d%2] < 0:
print('{} ran out of time'.format(version2 if d%2 == 1 else version1))
return version1 if d%2 == 1 else version2
if m is None:
name = version1 if d%2 == 0 else version2
print('Game not done, but no move? Score', score)
print(version1, tools.renderFEN(pos))
return version2 if d%2 == 0 else version1
#assert False
# Test move
is_dead = lambda pos: any(pos.value(m) >= elephantfish.MATE_LOWER for m in pos.gen_moves())
if is_dead(pos.move(m)):
name = version1 if d%2 == 0 else version2
print('{} made an illegal move {} in position {}. Depth {}, Score {}'.
format(name, tools.mrender(pos,m), tools.renderFEN(pos), depth, score))
return version2 if d%2 == 0 else version1
#assert False
# Make the move
pos = pos.move(m)
# Test repetition draws
# This is by far the most common type of draw
if pos in seen:
#print('Rep time at end', times)
return None
any_moves = not all(is_dead(pos.move(m)) for m in pos.gen_moves())
in_check = is_dead(pos.nullmove())
if not any_moves:
if not in_check:
# This is actually a bit interesting. Why would we ever throw away a win like this?
name = version1 if d%2 == 0 else version2
print('{} stalemated? depth {} {}'.format(
name, depth, tools.renderFEN(pos)))
if score != 0:
print('it got the wrong score: {} != 0'.format(score))
return None
name = version1 if d%2 == 0 else version2
if score < elephantfish.MATE_LOWER:
print('{} mated, but did not realize. Only scored {} in position {}, depth {}'.format(name, score, tools.renderFEN(pos), depth))
return name
print('Game too long', tools.renderFEN(pos))
return None
# Perft test
def allperft(f, depth=4, verbose=True):
import gc
lines = f.readlines()
for d in range(1, depth+1):
if verbose:
print("Going to depth {}/{}".format(d, depth))
for line in lines:
parts = line.split(';')
if len(parts) <= d:
if verbose:
pos, score = tools.parseFEN(parts[0]), int(parts[d])
res = sum(1 for _ in tools.collect_tree_depth(tools.expand_position(pos), d))
if res != score:
print('ERROR at depth %d. Gave %d rather than %d' % (d, res, score))
for move in pos.gen_moves():
split = sum(1 for _ in tools.collect_tree_depth(tools.expand_position(pos.move(move)),1))
print('{}: {}'.format(tools.mrender(pos, move), split))
return False
if verbose:
return True
# Generate some random opening
def random_move(pos):
moves = []
for one_move in pos.gen_moves():
return random.choice(moves)
def generate_random_opening():
pos = tools.parseFEN(tools.FEN_INITIAL)
steps = 6
for i in range(steps):
pos = pos.move(random_move(pos))
return pos
def main():
# test fen
pos = tools.parseFEN(tools.FEN_INITIAL)
assert(pos.board == elephantfish.initial)
fen = tools.renderFEN(pos)
assert(fen == tools.FEN_INITIAL)
self_arena("elephantfish", "algorithms.elephantfish_improve",100 , 20, .1)
# Old Python compatability
if sys.version_info < (3,5):
old_print = print
def print(*args, **kwargs):
flush = kwargs.get('flush', False)
if 'flush' in kwargs:
del kwargs['flush']
old_print(*args, **kwargs)
if flush:
file = kwargs.get('file', sys.stdout)
if __name__ == '__main__':


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