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mksingle.py 10.76 KB
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#! /usr/bin/python
# by pts@fazekas.hu at Fri Sep 1 16:34:46 CEST 2017
"""Build single-file script for Unix: pdfsizeopt.single."""
import cStringIO
import os
import os.path
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import token
import tokenize
import zipfile
def Minify(source, output_func):
"""Minifies Python (2.4, 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7) source code.
This function was tested and it works identically (consistently) in Python
2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7.
The output will end with a newline, unless empty.
This function does this:
* Removes comments.
* Compresses indentation to 1 space at a time.
* Removes empty lines and consecutive duplicate newlines.
* Removes newlines within expressions.
* Removes unnecessary whitespace within a line (e.g. '1 + 2' to '1+2').
* Removes strings at the beginning of the expression (including docstring).
* Removes even the first comment line with '-*- coding '... .
This function doesn't do these:
* Removing the final newline ('\\n').
* Shortening the names of local variables.
* Making string literals shorter by better escaping etc.
* Compressing compound statements to 1 line, e.g.
'if x:\\ny=5\\n' to 'if x:y=5\\n'.
* Removing unnecessery parentheses, e.g. '1+(2*3)' to '1+2*3'.
* Constant folding, e.g. '1+(2*3)' to '7'.
* Concantenation of string literals, e.g. '"a"+"b"' to '"ab"', or
'"a""b"' to '"ab"'.
* Seprating expressions with ';' instead of newline + indent.
* Any obfuscation.
* Any general compression (such as Flate, LZMA, bzip2).
source: Python source code to minify. Can be str, buffer (or anything
convertible to a buffer, e.g. bytearray), a readline method of a
file-object or an iterable of line strs.
output_func: Function which will be called with str arguments for each
output piece.
if isinstance(source, unicode):
raise TypeError
buf = buffer(source)
except TypeError:
buf = None
if buf is not None:
import cStringIO
# This also works, except it's different at the end of the partial line:
# source = iter(line + '\n' for line in str(buf).splitlines()).next
source = cStringIO.StringIO(buf).readline
elif not callable(source):
# Treat source as an iterable of lines. Add trailing '\n' if needed.
source = iter(
line + '\n' * (not line.endswith('\n')) for line in source).next
_COMMENT, _NL = tokenize.COMMENT, tokenize.NL
_NAME, _NUMBER, _STRING = token.NAME, token.NUMBER, token.STRING
i = 0 # Indentation.
is_at_bol = is_at_bof = 1 # Beginning of line and file.
is_empty_indent = 0
pt, ps = -1, '' # Previous token.
# There are small differences in tokenize.generate_tokens in Python
# versions, but they don't affect us, so we don't care:
# * In Python <=2.4, the final DEDENTs and ENDMARKER are not yielded.
# * In Python <=2.5, the COMMENT ts contains the '\n', and a separate
# NL is not generated.
for tt, ts, _, _, _ in tokenize.generate_tokens(source):
if tt == _INDENT:
i += 1
is_empty_indent = 1
elif tt == _DEDENT:
if is_empty_indent:
output_func(' ' * i) # TODO(pts): Merge with previous line.
is_empty_indent = 0
i -= 1
elif tt == _NEWLINE:
if not is_at_bol:
is_at_bol, pt, ps = 1, -1, ''
elif (tt == _STRING and is_at_bol or # Module-level docstring etc.
tt in _COMMENT_OR_NL):
if is_at_bol:
output_func(' ' * i)
is_at_bol = is_at_bof = 0
if pt in _NAME_OR_NUMBER and (tt in _NAME_OR_NUMBER or
(tt == _STRING and ts[0] in 'rb')):
output_func(' ')
pt, ps, is_empty_indent = tt, ts, 0
if is_empty_indent:
output_func(' ' * i)
# We could support \r and \t outside strings, Minify would remove them.
UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_RE = re.compile(r'[^\na -~]+')
def MinifyFile(file_name, code_orig):
i = code_orig.find('\n')
if i >= 0:
line1 = code_orig[:i]
if '-*- coding: ' in line1:
# We could support them by keeping this comment, but instead we opt
# for fully ASCII Python input files.
raise ValueError('-*- coding declarations not supported.')
match = UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_RE.search(code_orig)
if match:
raise ValueError('Unsupported chars in source: %r' % match.group(0))
compile(code_orig, file_name, 'exec') # Check for syntax errors.
output = []
Minify(code_orig, output.append)
code_mini = ''.join(output)
compile(code_mini, file_name, 'exec') # Check for syntax errors.
return code_mini
# It's OK that this doesn't support the full PostScript syntax, it's enough to
# support whatever PostScript procsets in pdfsizeopt have.
# This doesn't support string literals with unescaped nested parens, e.g.
# '(())'.
# This doesn't support <0a> hex string literals or ASCII85 string literals.
r'%[^\r\n]*|' # Comment.
r'[\0\t\n\r\f ]+|' # Whitespace.
r'(\((?:[^()\\]+|(?s)\\.)*\))|' # 1: String literal.
r'(<<|>>|[{}\[\]])|' # 2: Token which stops the previous token.
r'([^\0\t\n\r\f %(){}<>\[\]]+)|' # 3. Multi-character token, '/' included.
r'(?s)(.)') # 4. Anything else we don't recognize.
def MinifyPostScript(pscode):
output = [' '] # Sentinel for output[-1][-1].
for match in POSTSCRIPT_TOKEN_RE.finditer(pscode):
if match.group(1):
elif match.group(2):
elif match.group(3):
t = match.group(3)
if t[0] != '/' and output[-1][-1] not in ')<>{}[]':
output.append(' ')
elif match.group(4):
i = match.start()
raise ValueError('Unknown PostScript syntax: %r' % pscode[i : i + 20])
output[0] = '' # Remove sentinel.
return ''.join(output)
def MinifyPostScriptProcsets(file_name, code_orig):
code_obj = compile(code_orig, file_name, 'exec')
globals_dict = {}
exec code_obj in globals_dict
for name in sorted(globals_dict):
if name.startswith('__'):
del globals_dict[name]
names, pscodes = [], []
for name, pscode in sorted(globals_dict.iteritems()):
if not isinstance(pscode, str):
raise ValueError('Expected pscode as str, got: %r' % type(pscode))
pscode = MinifyPostScript(pscode)
if '%%' in pscode:
raise ValueError('Unexpected %% in minified pscode.')
if not pscodes:
return ''
pscodes_str = '\n%%'.join(pscodes)
assert "'''" not in pscodes_str
return "%s=r'''%s\n'''.split('%%%%')" % (','.join(names), pscodes_str)
# We need a file other than __main__.py, because 'import __main__' in
# SCRIPT_PREFIX is a no-op, and it doesn't load __main__.py.
M_PY_CODE = r'''
import sys
if not ((2, 4) <= sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 0)):
'fatal: Python version 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7 needed for: %s\n' % sys.path[0])
from pdfsizeopt import main
sys.exit(main.main(sys.argv, zip_file=sys.path[0]))
SCRIPT_PREFIX = r'''#!/bin/sh --
# pdfsizeopt: PDF file size optimizer (single-file script for Unix)
# You need Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7 to run this script. The shell script
# below tries to find such an interpreter and then runs it.
# If you have Python 2.6 or Python 2.7, you can also run it directly with
# Python, otherwise you have to run it as a shell script.
P="$(readlink "$0" 2>/dev/null)"
test "$P" && test "${P#/}" = "$P" && P="${0%/*}/$P"
test "$P" || P="$0"
test -f "$Q" && exec "$Q" -E -- "$P" ${1+"$@"}
type python2.7 >/dev/null 2>&1 && exec python2.7 -- "$P" ${1+"$@"}
type python2.6 >/dev/null 2>&1 && exec python2.6 -- "$P" ${1+"$@"}
type python2.5 >/dev/null 2>&1 && exec python2.5 -c"import sys;del sys.argv[0];sys.path[0]=sys.argv[0];import m" "$P" ${1+"$@"}
type python2.4 >/dev/null 2>&1 && exec python2.4 -c"import sys;del sys.argv[0];sys.path[0]=sys.argv[0];import m" "$P" ${1+"$@"}
exec python -c"import sys;del sys.argv[0];sys.path[0]=sys.argv[0];import m" "$P" ${1+"$@"}
exit 1
def new_zipinfo(file_name, file_mtime, permission_bits=0644):
zipinfo = zipfile.ZipInfo(file_name, file_mtime)
zipinfo.external_attr = (0100000 | (permission_bits & 07777)) << 16
return zipinfo
def main(argv):
assert os.path.isfile('lib/pdfsizeopt/main.py')
zip_output_file_name = 't.zip'
single_output_file_name = 'pdfsizeopt.single'
except OSError:
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_output_file_name, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
time_now = time.localtime()[:6]
for file_name in (
# 'pdfsizeopt/pdfsizeopt_pargparse.py', # Not needed.
code_orig = open('lib/' + file_name, 'rb').read()
# The zip(1) command also uses localtime. The ZIP file format doesn't
# store the time zone.
file_mtime = time.localtime(os.stat('lib/' + file_name).st_mtime)[:6]
code_mini = MinifyFile(file_name, code_orig)
# Compression effort doesn't matter, we run advzip below anyway.
zf.writestr(new_zipinfo(file_name, file_mtime), code_mini)
del code_orig, code_mini # Save memory.
# TODO(pts): Can we use `-m m'? Does it work in Python 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 and
# 2.3? (So that we'd reach the proper error message.)
zf.writestr(new_zipinfo('m.py', time_now),
MinifyFile('m.py', M_PY_CODE))
zf.writestr(new_zipinfo('__main__.py', time_now),
'import m')
file_name = 'pdfsizeopt/psproc.py'
code_orig = open('lib/' + file_name, 'rb').read()
file_mtime = time.localtime(os.stat('lib/' + file_name).st_mtime)[:6]
code_mini = MinifyPostScriptProcsets(file_name, code_orig)
zf.writestr(new_zipinfo(file_name, file_mtime), code_mini)
subprocess.check_call(('advzip', '-qz4', '--', zip_output_file_name))
f = open(zip_output_file_name, 'rb')
data = f.read()
f = open(single_output_file_name, 'wb')
os.chmod(single_output_file_name, 0755)
# Size reductions of pdfsizeopt.single:
# * 115100 bytes: mksingle.sh, before this script.
# * 68591 bytes: Python minification, advzip, SCRIPT_PREFIX improvements.
# * 63989 bytes: PostScript minification.
print >>sys.stderr, 'info: created %s (%d bytes)' % (
single_output_file_name, os.stat(single_output_file_name).st_size)
if __name__ == '__main__':
