As of 28 Sept 2023 this pull request has been merged into mainline. See for testing status.
I have managed to do a cross compile of PulseView for windows. Instructions to download are here.
For linux, many people have managed to combine my pull request into a libsigrok build. If you are on linux it's probably a practical experiment to try. 4GB of RAM is recommended for pulseview builds to avoid disk swap issues. See
Use a raspberry pi pico (rp2040) as a logic analyzer and oscilloscope with sigrok. This implementation uses the pico SDK CDC serial library to communicate with sigrok-cli/pulseview through a sigrok driver.
pico_pgen is a simple digital function generator useful for creating patterns to test.
pico_sdk_sigrok is the pico sdk C code for the PICO RP2040 device.
The latest libsigrok code exists as a fork at - build notes for building the PICO device assuming you have gone through the PICO C SDK "getting started with PICO". - rough libsigrok build notes which will be depracated once raspberrypi_pico is mainline - quick run down on setting things up. - details on supported modes of the analyzer and various limitations. - details of the "over the wire" protocol used between the sigrok driver and the device.
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