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example_15-03.cpp 7.92 KB
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Gary Bradski 提交于 2017-06-01 04:48 . changed 15-02, created 15-03
//Example 15-3. Computing the on and off-diagonal elements of a variance/covariance model
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
vector<cv::Mat> planes(3);
vector<cv::Mat> sums(3);
vector<cv::Mat> xysums(6);
cv::Mat sum, sqsum;
int image_count = 0;
//A function to accumulate
// the information we need for our variance computation:
void accumulateVariance(
cv::Mat& I) {
if( sum.empty() ) {
sum = cv::Mat::zeros( I.size(), CV_32FC(I.channels()) );
sqsum = cv::Mat::zeros( I.size(), CV_32FC(I.channels()) );
image_count = 0;
cv::accumulate( I, sum );
cv::accumulateSquare( I, sqsum );
//The associated variance computation function would then be:
// (note that 'variance' is sigma^2)
void computeVariance(
cv::Mat& variance) {
double one_by_N = 1.0 / image_count;
variance = (one_by_N * sqsum) - ((one_by_N * one_by_N) * sum.mul(sum));
//Same as above function, but compute standard deviation
void computeStdev(
cv::Mat& std__) {
double one_by_N = 1.0 / image_count;
cv::sqrt(((one_by_N * sqsum) -((one_by_N * one_by_N) * sum.mul(sum))), std__);
//And avg images
void computeAvg(
cv::Mat& av) {
double one_by_N = 1.0 / image_count;
av = one_by_N * sum;
// ===================================================================//
void accumulateCovariance(
cv::Mat& I
) {
int i, j, n;
if( sum.empty() ) {
image_count = 0;
for( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
// the r, g, and b sums
= cv::Mat::zeros( I.size(), CV_32FC1 );
for( n=0; n<6; n++ ) {
// the rr, rg, rb, gg, gb, and bb elements
xysums[n] = cv::Mat::zeros( I.size(), CV_32FC1 );
cv::split( I, planes );
for( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
cv::accumulate( planes[i], sums[i] );
n = 0;
for( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
// "row" of Sigma
for( j=i; j<3; j++ ) {
// "column" of Sigma
cv::accumulateProduct( planes[i], planes[j], xysums[n] );
//The corresponding compute function is also just a slight extension of
//the compute function for the variances we saw earlier.
// note that 'variance' is sigma^2
void computeCoariance(
cv::Mat& covariance
// a six-channel array, channels are the
// rr, rg, rb, gg, gb, and bb elements of Sigma_xy
) {
double one_by_N = 1.0 / image_count;
// reuse the xysum arrays as storage for individual entries
int n = 0;
for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
// "row" of Sigma
for( int j=i; j<3; j++ ) {
// "column" of Sigma
xysums[n] = (one_by_N * xysums[n])
- ((one_by_N * one_by_N) * sums[i].mul(sums[j]));
// reassemble the six individual elements into a six-channel array
cv::merge( xysums, covariance );
/////////////Utilities to run///////////////////////////////////////////
void help(char** argv ) {
cout << "\n"
<< "Compute mean and std on <#frames to train on> frames of an incoming video, then run the model\n"
<< argv[0] <<" <#frames to train on> <avi_path/filename>\n"
<< "For example:\n"
<< argv[0] << " 50 ../tree.avi\n"
<< "'a' to adjust thresholds, esc, 'q' or 'Q' to quit"
<< endl;
////////////// Borrowed code from example_15-02 //////////////////////
// Global storage
// Float, 3-channel images
cv::Mat image; // movie frame
cv::Mat IavgF, IdiffF, IhiF, IlowF; //threshold
cv::Mat tmp, mask; //scratch and our mask
// Float, 1-channel images
vector<cv::Mat> Igray(3); //scratch to split image
vector<cv::Mat> Ilow(3);//low per pixel thresh
vector<cv::Mat> Ihi(3); //high per pixel thresh
// Byte, 1-channel image
cv::Mat Imaskt; //Temp mask
// Thresholds
float high_thresh = 21.0; //scaling the thesholds in backgroundDiff()
float low_thresh = 2.0; //
// I is just a sample image for allocation purposes
// (passed in for sizing)
void AllocateImages( const cv::Mat& I ) {
cv::Size sz = I.size();
IavgF = cv::Mat::zeros(sz, CV_32FC3 );
IdiffF = cv::Mat::zeros(sz, CV_32FC3 );
IhiF = cv::Mat::zeros(sz, CV_32FC3 );
IlowF = cv::Mat::zeros(sz, CV_32FC3 );
tmp = cv::Mat::zeros( sz, CV_32FC3 );
Imaskt = cv::Mat( sz, CV_32FC1 );
void setHighThreshold( float scale ) {
IhiF = IavgF + (IdiffF * scale);
cv::split( IhiF, Ihi );
void setLowThreshold( float scale ) {
IlowF = IavgF - (IdiffF * scale);
cv::split( IlowF, Ilow );
void createModelsfromStats() {
//IavgF is already set;
//IdiffF is the standard deviation image...
// Make sure diff is always something
IdiffF += cv::Scalar( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 );
setHighThreshold( high_thresh);
setLowThreshold( low_thresh);
// Create a binary: 0,255 mask where 255 (red) means foreground pixel
// I Input image, 3-channel, 8u
// Imask Mask image to be created, 1-channel 8u
void backgroundDiff(
cv::Mat& I,
cv::Mat& Imask) {
I.convertTo( tmp, CV_32F ); // To float
cv::split( tmp, Igray );
// Channel 1
cv::inRange( Igray[0], Ilow[0], Ihi[0], Imask );
// Channel 2
cv::inRange( Igray[1], Ilow[1], Ihi[1], Imaskt );
Imask = cv::min( Imask, Imaskt );
// Channel 3
cv::inRange( Igray[2], Ilow[2], Ihi[2], Imaskt );
Imask = cv::min( Imask, Imaskt );
// Finally, invert the results
Imask = 255 - Imask;
void showForgroundInRed( char** argv, const cv::Mat &img) {
cv::Mat rawImage;
cv::split( img, Igray );
Igray[2] = cv::max( mask, Igray[2] );
cv::merge( Igray, rawImage );
cv::imshow( argv[0], rawImage );
cv::imshow("Segmentation", mask);
void adjustThresholds(char** argv, cv::Mat &img) {
int key = 1;
while((key = cv::waitKey()) != 27 && key != 'Q' && key != 'q') // Esc or Q or q to exit
if(key == 'L') { low_thresh += 0.2;}
if(key == 'l') { low_thresh -= 0.2;}
if(key == 'H') { high_thresh += 0.2;}
if(key == 'h') { high_thresh -= 0.2;}
cout << "H or h, L or l, esq or q to quit; high_thresh = " << high_thresh << ", " << "low_thresh = " << low_thresh << endl;
backgroundDiff(img, mask);
showForgroundInRed(argv, img);
int main( int argc, char** argv) {
cv::namedWindow( argv[0], cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
cv::VideoCapture cap;
if((argc < 3)|| !cap.open(argv[2])) {
cerr << "Couldn't run the program" << endl;
return -1;
int number_to_train_on = atoi( argv[1] );
int image_count = 0;
int key;
bool first_frame = true;
cout << "Total frames to train on = " << number_to_train_on << endl; //db
while(1) {
cout << "frame#: " << image_count << endl;
cap >> image;
if( !image.data ) exit(1); // Something went wrong, abort
if(image_count == 0) AllocateImages( image );
cv::imshow( argv[0], image );
if( (key = cv::waitKey(7)) == 27 || key == 'q' || key == 'Q' || image_count >= number_to_train_on) break; //Allow early exit on space, esc, q
// We have accumulated our training, now create the models
cout << "Creating the background model" << endl;
cout << "Done! Hit any key to continue into single step. Hit 'a' or 'A' to adjust thresholds, esq, 'q' or 'Q' to quit\n" << endl;
cv::namedWindow("Segmentation", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); //For the mask image
while((key = cv::waitKey()) != 27 || key == 'q' || key == 'Q' ) { // esc, 'q' or 'Q' to exit
cap >> image;
if( !image.data ) exit(0);
cout << image_count++ << endl;
backgroundDiff( image, mask );
cv::imshow("Segmentation", mask);
// A simple visualization is to write to the red channel
showForgroundInRed( argv, image);
if(key == 'a') {
cout << "In adjust thresholds, 'H' or 'h' == high thresh up or down; 'L' or 'l' for low thresh up or down." << endl;
cout << " esq, 'q' or 'Q' to quit " << endl;
adjustThresholds(argv, image);
cout << "Done with adjustThreshold, back to frame stepping, esq, q or Q to quit." << endl;
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