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imrot / TDengine

forked from TDengine / TDengine 

1..Fix bug: Crash due to null pointer when query;

2020-07-08 09:41

1.Fix bug: limit/offset clause error when query; 2.Fix bug: Crash due to bad SQL(?;); 3.Fix bug:If there is no result after query filtering, it will crash; 4.New feature: union query between super tables;

2020-06-11 14:28

[update version info]

2020-04-27 16:59

update version info

2020-06-04 09:47
  1. Fix bug: Pointer is not assigned, resulting in crash
  2. The show accounts command supports the use of non root accounts.
  3. Fix bug: After the two servers cluster and the masterip machine goes down, no heartbeat causes the power or Taos connection to fail
  4. Fix bug: When the client specifies a database login that does not exist, it causes taosd crash.
  5. Fix bug: Synchronization failed when taosd start.
  6. Fix code issues reported by coverage scan
2020-03-16 22:28
  1. Fix bug: Grafana queries tdengine for illegal memory access
  2. Fix bug: not active session
  3. The show accounts command supports the use of non root accounts.
  4. Fix bug: After the two servers cluster and the masterip machine goes down, no heartbeat causes the power or Taos connection to fail
  5. Fix bug: When the client specifies a database login that does not exist, it causes taosd crash.
  6. Fix bug: Synchronization failed after version upgrade from v1.6.4 to v1.6.5.
  7. Fix code issues reported by coverage scan
2020-04-03 15:51

develop release notes:

Fix bugs and refactor code:

  1. Avoid the retry efforts to consume too many CPU time in getting first available cache slot
  2. Fix invalid free bug.
  3. Fix sub/pub bug in returning data to client
  4. Filter only sliding query.
  5. Fix the crash when skey is less than ekey.
  6. Fix bugs founded in regression test(reverse scan failed).
  7. Fix __compar_fn_t build issue on Mac
  8. Fix invalid write when assign the ip address at the client side.
  9. Refactor code for sliding query processing
  10. Refactor extbuffer model.
  11. Refactor code for query intermeidate buffer.
  12. Remove redundant codes
  13. Fix bugs in regression test.
  14. Fix query bugs.
  15. Fix bugs found in regression test.
  16. Modify default value of memory for aarch32 version
  17. Modify compile scripts
  18. Fix pHeader->tranId use the wrong method when assigning
  19. Fix tpercentile link issue on Mac (and Windows)
  20. Add description in the document: the time range that the database allows to insert records
  21. Docker compile modify and doc modify
  22. Refactor subscribe feature, and update corresponding documents
  23. Modified the format of query result for Grafana plugin, seperate the data into divided arrays,
    one result array per table, with the tags as the label.
    Therefor "select * from super-table-name" will work well in the Grafana query.
  24. Fix bug: describing super table causes crash, when add one tag and the data type of tag is wrong
  25. Fix bug: the error result of show databases for no root user
  26. Fix bug: Add additional check when super table uid is 0, Compatible with the case of super table with uid 0.
  27. Fix a typo
  28. Fix the crash when ctrl+c is triggered when querying super table.

New feature:

  1. Add six new functions for supporting rate/irate/sum_rat/sum_irate/avg_rate/avg_irate
2020-03-03 17:23

1, Describing super table causes crash, when add one tag and the data type of tag is wrong
2, The error result of show databases for no root user
3, Add additional check when super table uid is 0.
4, Fix a typo
5, Compatible with the case of super table with uid 0
6, Fix the crash when ctrl+c is triggered when querying super table.
7, Support input 'nan' or '-nan' for double/float.
8, Modified the format of query result for Grafana plugin, seperate the data into divided arrays,
one result array per table, with the tags as the label.
Therefor "select * from super-table-name" will work well in the Grafana query.

2020-03-03 15:31

release this version to fanake for compatible.

2020-02-19 18:47

fix bugs:

  1. kill connection failed
  2. fix memroy leaks
    new feature:
  3. support aarch32
  4. add union
2020-02-09 18:48

modify package name.

2020-02-09 10:41

Add an option to control the meaning of affected rows

2020-02-05 10:56

fixed bugs

  1. Add column and import cause " TDengine Error: others"
  2. Data file corruption during multi-copy synchronization


  1. Enhanced security permissions
2020-01-13 13:52

add some log for parsing insertion SQL and showing complete insertion SQL

2020-01-04 18:45


  1. In the query of super tables, all subquery objects are prepared before lauching and some checks for global status check are added;
  2. Failed login information would be store in the 'log' database and the access to this database has be limited;
2020-01-04 18:45

fixed bugs

  1. query results could be incorrect when sorting the results by descending timestamp and using offset/limit
  2. query of last record could lead to server crash
  3. the display could be incorrect when show vnodes [dnodeIp]
  4. Group by normal column may result in server crash


  1. add support for customized template variable for query alias in the grafana
  2. add support for Alpine Linux
  3. avoid repetitively parsing the same table when inserting records into multiple tables in a batch
  4. accelerate the speed of writing into a database with multiple replicas by redirecting the request to the master vnode
  5. allow dropping database and inserting data to be concurrently executed
2020-01-03 13:23

fixed bugs

  1. in the windows query results from grouping by a nchar column could be inconsistent with that from taos cliEnt shell in the linux
  2. query of last record could lead to server crash
  3. both inserting data and creating dropped tables would fail if setting 'tables' option to 1

) avoid repetitively parsing the same table when inserting records into multiple tables in a batch
2) accelerate the speed of writing into a database with multiple replicas by redirecting the request to the master vnode
3) clarify the error message when importing multiple files

2019-12-31 18:37

1.#952 Logical error when setting read and write permissions for the user
2.#949 SQL statement show connections may cause crash
3.#946 Filter on all NULL value cause the server crashed
4.#928 Use multi-threading to import all SQL files in the directory separately
5.Asynchronous query loop too many times when pulling cache

2019-12-20 15:20
