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Lindsay.Lu丶 / Apnea-ECG

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demo_heroku.py 5.13 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
ChiQiao 提交于 2020-02-15 07:59 . clean up code
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import streamlit as st
from notebooks import visualization
from notebooks.feature_extractor import extract_features
def load_model():
with open('resources/model_logreg.pkl', 'rb') as f:
res = pickle.load(f)
with open('data/feature/feature_selection.pkl', 'rb') as f:
feature_col = pickle.load(f)
return res['mdl'], res['scaler'], feature_col
def load_sample_features(test_file):
test_df = pd.read_csv('data/feature/' + test_file + '.csv')
test_df.drop(['apn', 'group', 'file'], axis=1, inplace=True)
return test_df
def apnea_diagnose(y_pred):
# Total minute
apnea_total = sum(y_pred)
# Hourly Apnea Index (AI)
total_hour = int(len(y_pred) / 60)
y_pred_hourly = np.reshape(y_pred[ : total_hour * 60], (total_hour, 60))
AI_hourly = y_pred_hourly.sum(axis=1)
y_pred_left = y_pred[420 : ]
if len(y_pred_left) >= 30:
AI_hourly = np.append(AI_hourly, sum(y_pred_left) * 60 / len(y_pred_left))
total_hour += 1
# Maximum Apnea Index
AI_max = AI_hourly.max()
return AI_max, apnea_total
def check_data(t_hr):
# t_hr: numpy array in minutes
# Check validity
if np.any(np.diff(t_hr) < 0):
'Heart rate timestamp should be monotonically increasing.')
return False
# Check duration (should between 4 and 12 hours)
duration = (t_hr[-1] - t_hr[0]) / 60
if duration > 12 or duration < 4:
'A typical recording of heart rate should be around 8 hours. ' +\
'Please make sure the heart rate data is in minutes.')
return False
return True
# Initialize
mdl, scaler, feature_col = load_model()
show_result = False
# Show introduction
st.title('Sleep Apnea Evaluation')
<font size="4">More than 18 million Americans suffer from [Sleep Apnea]
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_apnea), which causes hypertension, heart disease, and
even depression and stroke in the long term.
Many people are not aware of this disease, thinking that they just snore a lot (Normal snore
might progress into Sleep Apnea as well). If wearable devices
can provide early warning, people with sleep apnea can seek for treatment before their health is
compromised. This app is reaching towards this goal. It detect apnea with more than 80% accuracy just
from heart rate measurements!
Curious about how it works? Check out [here]
for more details.
_(For self-evaluation only. Please confirm results with your health care provider.)_</font>
st.header('Upload heart rate data')
a = st.empty() # Place holder to be either file uploader or selectbox
from_sample = st.checkbox('Just show me some samples')
# Load data
if from_sample:
options = ('Sample 1', 'Sample 2', 'Sample 3')
option = a.radio('', options, index=0)
if option != 'Select one':
dict_data = {'Sample 1': 'b09', 'Sample 2': 'c07', 'Sample 3': 'a12'}
# Load features
features_df = load_sample_features(dict_data[option])
# Load heart rate data
with open(f'data/raw/{dict_data[option]}.pkl', 'rb') as f:
hr_data = pickle.load(f)
show_result = True
uploaded_file = a.file_uploader(
'format requirement: time of each heart beat in minutes, ' +\
'starting from 0, single column csv file', type='csv')
if uploaded_file is not None:
t_hr = np.loadtxt(uploaded_file)
show_result = check_data(t_hr)
if show_result:
with st.spinner('Extracting features...'):
hr = 1 / (np.diff(t_hr * 60))
t_hr = t_hr[1: ]
hr_data = {'t': t_hr, 'hr': hr}
features_df = extract_features(hr_data)
# Make prediction and plots
if show_result:
with st.spinner('Generating diagnosis report...'):
# Make prediction
y_pred = mdl.predict_proba(scaler.transform(features_df[feature_col]))[:, 1] > 0.61
AI_max, apnea_total = apnea_diagnose(y_pred)
# Plot minute-wise prediction
st.header('Minute-wise evaluation')
<font size="4">Apnea is first evluated for each minute based on the heart rate.</font>
''', unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.plotly_chart(visualization.plot_hr(hr_data['t'], hr_data['hr'], y_pred))
# Plot severity diagnosis
st.header('Severity diagnosis')
<font size="4">The severity is determined by: <br />1) the highest Apnea Index (apnea minutes per hour), and
<br />2) total minutes of apnea during the sleep.</font>
''', unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.plotly_chart(visualization.plot_apnea_diagnosis(AI_max, apnea_total, y_pred), config={'displayModeBar': False, 'staticPlot': True})
st.plotly_chart(visualization.plot_diagnosis_result(AI_max, apnea_total), config={'displayModeBar': False, 'staticPlot': True})
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