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Gitee 极速下载 / curaengine

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine
Cura.proto 5.07 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Jelle Spijker 提交于 2024-02-14 10:42 . Fix typo in comment
syntax = "proto3";
package cura.proto;
message ObjectList
repeated Object objects = 1;
repeated Setting settings = 2; // meshgroup settings (for one-at-a-time printing)
// Resevered IDs:
// 0 ... 99: Broadcasts
// 100 ... 199: Modify
// 200 ... 299: Generate
// IMPORTANT: If you add a slot ID also update the SlotID enum in include/plugins/slots.h
enum SlotID {
message EnginePlugin
SlotID id = 1;
string address = 2;
uint32 port = 3;
string plugin_name = 4;
string plugin_version = 5;
message Slice
repeated ObjectList object_lists = 1; // The meshgroups to be printed one after another
SettingList global_settings = 2; // The global settings used for the whole print job
repeated Extruder extruders = 3; // The settings sent to each extruder object
repeated SettingExtruder limit_to_extruder = 4; // From which stack the setting would inherit if not defined per object
repeated EnginePlugin engine_plugins = 5;
string sentry_id = 6; // The anonymized Sentry user id that requested the slice
string cura_version = 7; // The version of Cura that requested the slice
optional string project_name = 8; // The name of the project that requested the slice
optional string user_name = 9; // The Digital Factory account name of the user that requested the slice
message Extruder
int32 id = 1;
SettingList settings = 2;
message Object
int64 id = 1;
bytes vertices = 2; //An array of 3 floats.
bytes normals = 3; //An array of 3 floats.
bytes indices = 4; //An array of ints.
repeated Setting settings = 5; // Setting override per object, overruling the global settings.
string name = 6; //Mesh name
message Progress
float amount = 1;
message Layer {
int32 id = 1;
float height = 2; // Z position
float thickness = 3; // height of a single layer
repeated Polygon polygons = 4; // layer data
message Polygon {
enum Type {
NoneType = 0;
Inset0Type = 1;
InsetXType = 2;
SkinType = 3;
SupportType = 4;
SkirtType = 5;
InfillType = 6;
SupportInfillType = 7;
MoveCombingType = 8;
MoveRetractionType = 9;
SupportInterfaceType = 10;
PrimeTowerType = 11;
Type type = 1; // Type of move
bytes points = 2; // The points of the polygon, or two points if only a line segment (Currently only line segments are used)
float line_width = 3; // The width of the line being laid down
float line_thickness = 4; // The thickness of the line being laid down
float line_feedrate = 5; // The feedrate of the line being laid down
message LayerOptimized {
int32 id = 1;
float height = 2; // Z position
float thickness = 3; // height of a single layer
repeated PathSegment path_segment = 4; // layer data
message PathSegment {
int32 extruder = 1; // The extruder used for this path segment
enum PointType {
Point2D = 0;
Point3D = 1;
PointType point_type = 2;
bytes points = 3; // The points defining the line segments, bytes of float[2/3] array of length N+1
bytes line_type = 4; // Type of line segment as an unsigned char array of length 1 or N, where N is the number of line segments in this path
bytes line_width = 5; // The widths of the line segments as bytes of a float array of length 1 or N
bytes line_thickness = 6; // The thickness of the line segments as bytes of a float array of length 1 or N
bytes line_feedrate = 7; // The feedrate of the line segments as bytes of a float array of length 1 or N
message GCodeLayer {
bytes data = 2;
message PrintTimeMaterialEstimates { // The print time for each feature and material estimates for the extruder
// Time estimate in each feature
float time_none = 1;
float time_inset_0 = 2;
float time_inset_x = 3;
float time_skin = 4;
float time_support = 5;
float time_skirt = 6;
float time_infill = 7;
float time_support_infill = 8;
float time_travel = 9;
float time_retract = 10;
float time_support_interface = 11;
float time_prime_tower = 12;
repeated MaterialEstimates materialEstimates = 13; // materialEstimates data
message MaterialEstimates {
int64 id = 1;
float material_amount = 2; // material used in the extruder
message SettingList {
repeated Setting settings = 1;
message Setting {
string name = 1; // Internal key to signify a setting
bytes value = 2; // The value of the setting
message SettingExtruder {
string name = 1; //The setting key.
int32 extruder = 2; //From which extruder stack the setting should inherit.
message GCodePrefix {
bytes data = 2; //Header string to be prepended before the rest of the g-code sent from the engine.
message SliceUUID {
string slice_uuid = 1; //An ID to link the slice in the printer to a statistical data point in the anonymous slice data.
message SlicingFinished {


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