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Comb.cpp 28.50 KB
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//Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "Comb.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional> // function
#include <unordered_set>
#include "CombPaths.h"
#include "LinePolygonsCrossings.h"
#include "../Application.h"
#include "../ExtruderTrain.h"
#include "../Slice.h"
#include "../utils/linearAlg2D.h"
#include "../utils/PolygonsPointIndex.h"
#include "../sliceDataStorage.h"
#include "../utils/SVG.h"
namespace cura {
LocToLineGrid& Comb::getOutsideLocToLine()
return **outside_loc_to_line;
Polygons& Comb::getBoundaryOutside()
return *boundary_outside;
Comb::Comb(const SliceDataStorage& storage, const LayerIndex layer_nr, const Polygons& comb_boundary_inside_minimum, const Polygons& comb_boundary_inside_optimal, coord_t comb_boundary_offset, coord_t travel_avoid_distance, coord_t move_inside_distance)
: storage(storage)
, layer_nr(layer_nr)
, offset_from_outlines(comb_boundary_offset) // between second wall and infill / other walls
, max_moveInside_distance2(offset_from_outlines * offset_from_outlines)
, offset_from_inside_to_outside(offset_from_outlines + travel_avoid_distance)
, max_crossing_dist2(offset_from_inside_to_outside * offset_from_inside_to_outside * 2) // so max_crossing_dist = offset_from_inside_to_outside * sqrt(2) =approx 1.5 to allow for slightly diagonal crossings and slightly inaccurate crossing computation
, boundary_inside_minimum( comb_boundary_inside_minimum ) // copy the boundary, because the partsView_inside will reorder the polygons
, boundary_inside_optimal( comb_boundary_inside_optimal ) // copy the boundary, because the partsView_inside will reorder the polygons
, partsView_inside_minimum( boundary_inside_minimum.splitIntoPartsView() ) // WARNING !! changes the order of boundary_inside !!
, partsView_inside_optimal( boundary_inside_optimal.splitIntoPartsView() ) // WARNING !! changes the order of boundary_inside !!
, inside_loc_to_line_minimum(PolygonUtils::createLocToLineGrid(boundary_inside_minimum, comb_boundary_offset))
, inside_loc_to_line_optimal(PolygonUtils::createLocToLineGrid(boundary_inside_optimal, comb_boundary_offset))
, boundary_outside(
[&storage, layer_nr, travel_avoid_distance]()
const std::vector<bool> extruder_is_used = storage.getExtrudersUsed();
bool travel_avoid_supports = false;
for (const ExtruderTrain& extruder : Application::getInstance().current_slice->scene.extruders)
travel_avoid_supports |= extruder_is_used[extruder.extruder_nr] && extruder.settings.get<bool>("travel_avoid_other_parts") && extruder.settings.get<bool>("travel_avoid_supports");
return storage.getLayerOutlines(layer_nr, travel_avoid_supports, travel_avoid_supports).offset(travel_avoid_distance);
, outside_loc_to_line(
[](Comb* comber, const int64_t offset_from_inside_to_outside)
return PolygonUtils::createLocToLineGrid(comber->getBoundaryOutside(), offset_from_inside_to_outside * 3 / 2);
, this
, offset_from_inside_to_outside
, model_boundary(
[&storage, layer_nr]()
/* NOTE/TODO: The commented-out lines in this scope are something that we want to reintroduce, but had to disable for proper PVA supports for now.
* See the latest commit message (at time of writing) of those lines or internal ticket CURA-9163 for details.
// const std::vector<bool> extruder_is_used = storage.getExtrudersUsed();
bool travel_avoid_supports = false;
// for (const ExtruderTrain& extruder : Application::getInstance().current_slice->scene.extruders)
// {
// travel_avoid_supports |= extruder_is_used[extruder.extruder_nr] && extruder.settings.get<bool>("travel_avoid_other_parts") && extruder.settings.get<bool>("travel_avoid_supports");
// }
return storage.getLayerOutlines(layer_nr, travel_avoid_supports, travel_avoid_supports);
, model_boundary_loc_to_line(
[](Comb* comber, const int64_t offset_from_inside_to_outside)
return PolygonUtils::createLocToLineGrid(*comber->model_boundary, offset_from_inside_to_outside * 3 / 2);
, this
, offset_from_inside_to_outside
, move_inside_distance(move_inside_distance)
bool Comb::calc(const ExtruderTrain& train, Point start_point, Point end_point, CombPaths& comb_paths, bool _start_inside, bool _end_inside, coord_t max_comb_distance_ignored, bool &unretract_before_last_travel_move)
if(shorterThen(end_point - start_point, max_comb_distance_ignored))
return true;
const Point travel_end_point_before_combing = end_point;
//Move start and end point inside the optimal comb boundary
unsigned int start_inside_poly = NO_INDEX;
const bool start_inside = moveInside(boundary_inside_optimal, _start_inside, inside_loc_to_line_optimal.get(), start_point, start_inside_poly);
unsigned int end_inside_poly = NO_INDEX;
const bool end_inside = moveInside(boundary_inside_optimal, _end_inside, inside_loc_to_line_optimal.get(), end_point, end_inside_poly);
unsigned int start_part_boundary_poly_idx = NO_INDEX; // Added initial value to stop MSVC throwing an exception in debug mode
unsigned int end_part_boundary_poly_idx = NO_INDEX;
unsigned int start_part_idx = (start_inside_poly == NO_INDEX)? NO_INDEX : partsView_inside_optimal.getPartContaining(start_inside_poly, &start_part_boundary_poly_idx);
unsigned int end_part_idx = (end_inside_poly == NO_INDEX)? NO_INDEX : partsView_inside_optimal.getPartContaining(end_inside_poly, &end_part_boundary_poly_idx);
const bool perform_z_hops = train.settings.get<bool>("retraction_hop_enabled");
const bool perform_z_hops_only_when_collides = train.settings.get<bool>("retraction_hop_only_when_collides");
const bool fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles = perform_z_hops && perform_z_hops_only_when_collides;
// normal combing within part using optimal comb boundary
if (start_inside && end_inside && start_part_idx == end_part_idx)
PolygonsPart part = partsView_inside_optimal.assemblePart(start_part_idx);
const bool combing_succeeded = LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(part, *inside_loc_to_line_optimal, start_point, end_point, comb_paths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside, max_comb_distance_ignored, fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles);
// If the endpoint of the travel path changes with combing, then it means that we are moving to an outer wall
// and we should unretract before the last travel move when travelling to that outer wall
unretract_before_last_travel_move = combing_succeeded && end_point != travel_end_point_before_combing;
return combing_succeeded;
// Move start and end point inside the minimum comb boundary
unsigned int start_inside_poly_min = NO_INDEX;
const bool start_inside_min = moveInside(boundary_inside_minimum, _start_inside, inside_loc_to_line_minimum.get(), start_point, start_inside_poly_min);
unsigned int end_inside_poly_min = NO_INDEX;
const bool end_inside_min = moveInside(boundary_inside_minimum, _end_inside, inside_loc_to_line_minimum.get(), end_point, end_inside_poly_min);
unsigned int start_part_boundary_poly_idx_min;
unsigned int end_part_boundary_poly_idx_min;
unsigned int start_part_idx_min = (start_inside_poly_min == NO_INDEX)? NO_INDEX : partsView_inside_minimum.getPartContaining(start_inside_poly_min, &start_part_boundary_poly_idx_min);
unsigned int end_part_idx_min = (end_inside_poly_min == NO_INDEX)? NO_INDEX : partsView_inside_minimum.getPartContaining(end_inside_poly_min, &end_part_boundary_poly_idx_min);
CombPath result_path;
bool comb_result;
// normal combing within part using minimum comb boundary
if (start_inside_min && end_inside_min && start_part_idx_min == end_part_idx_min)
PolygonsPart part = partsView_inside_minimum.assemblePart(start_part_idx_min);
comb_result = LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(part, *inside_loc_to_line_minimum, start_point, end_point, result_path, -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside, max_comb_distance_ignored, fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles);
Comb::moveCombPathInside(boundary_inside_minimum, boundary_inside_optimal, result_path, comb_paths.back()); // add altered result_path to combPaths.back()
// If the endpoint of the travel path changes with combing, then it means that we are moving to an outer wall
// and we should unretract before the last travel move when travelling to that outer wall
unretract_before_last_travel_move = comb_result && end_point != travel_end_point_before_combing;
return comb_result;
// comb inside part to edge (if needed) >> move through air avoiding other parts >> comb inside end part upto the endpoint (if needed)
// INSIDE | in_between | OUTSIDE | in_between | INSIDE
// ^crossing_1_in ^crossing_1_mid ^crossing_1_out ^crossing_2_out ^crossing_2_mid ^crossing_2_in
// when start_point is inside crossing_1_in is of interest
// when it is in between inside and outside it is equal to crossing_1_mid
if (perform_z_hops && !perform_z_hops_only_when_collides) //Combing via outside makes combing fail.
return false;
//Find the crossings using the minimum comb boundary, since it's guaranteed to be as close as we can get to the destination.
//Getting as close as possible prevents exiting the polygon in the wrong direction (e.g. into a hole instead of to the outside).
Crossing start_crossing(start_point, start_inside_min, start_part_idx_min, start_part_boundary_poly_idx_min, boundary_inside_minimum, *inside_loc_to_line_minimum);
Crossing end_crossing(end_point, end_inside_min, end_part_idx_min, end_part_boundary_poly_idx_min, boundary_inside_minimum, *inside_loc_to_line_minimum);
{ // find crossing over the in-between area between inside and outside
start_crossing.findCrossingInOrMid(partsView_inside_minimum, end_point);
end_crossing.findCrossingInOrMid(partsView_inside_minimum, start_crossing.in_or_mid);
bool skip_avoid_other_parts_path = false;
if (vSize2(start_crossing.in_or_mid - end_crossing.in_or_mid) < offset_from_inside_to_outside * offset_from_inside_to_outside * 4)
{ // parts are next to each other, i.e. the direct crossing will always be smaller than two crossings via outside
skip_avoid_other_parts_path = true;
const std::vector<bool> extruder_is_used = storage.getExtrudersUsed(layer_nr);
bool travel_avoid_other_parts = false;
for (const ExtruderTrain& train : Application::getInstance().current_slice->scene.extruders)
travel_avoid_other_parts |= extruder_is_used[train.extruder_nr] && train.settings.get<bool>("travel_avoid_other_parts");
if (travel_avoid_other_parts && !skip_avoid_other_parts_path)
{ // compute the crossing points when moving through air
// comb through all air, since generally the outside consists of a single part
bool success = start_crossing.findOutside(*boundary_outside, end_crossing.in_or_mid, fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles, *this);
if (!success)
return false;
success = end_crossing.findOutside(*boundary_outside, start_crossing.out, fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles, *this);
if (!success)
return false;
// generate the actual comb paths
if (start_inside_min)
// start to boundary
assert(start_crossing.dest_part.size() > 0 && "The part we start inside when combing should have been computed already!");
//If we're inside the optimal bound, first try the optimal combing path. If it fails, use the minimum path instead.
constexpr bool fail_for_optimum_bound = true;
bool combing_succeeded = start_inside && LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(boundary_inside_optimal, *inside_loc_to_line_optimal, start_point, start_crossing.in_or_mid, comb_paths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside, max_comb_distance_ignored, fail_for_optimum_bound);
combing_succeeded = LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(start_crossing.dest_part, *inside_loc_to_line_minimum, start_point, start_crossing.in_or_mid, comb_paths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside, max_comb_distance_ignored, fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles);
if (!combing_succeeded)
{ // Couldn't comb between start point and computed crossing from the start part! Happens for very thin parts when the offset_to_get_off_boundary moves points to outside the polygon
return false;
// through air from boundary to boundary
if (travel_avoid_other_parts && !skip_avoid_other_parts_path)
comb_paths.throughAir = true;
if ( vSize(start_crossing.in_or_mid - end_crossing.in_or_mid) < vSize(start_crossing.in_or_mid - start_crossing.out) + vSize(end_crossing.in_or_mid - end_crossing.out) )
{ // via outside is moving more over the in-between zone
CombPath tmp_comb_path;
bool combing_succeeded = LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(*boundary_outside, getOutsideLocToLine(), start_crossing.out, end_crossing.out, tmp_comb_path, offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside, max_comb_distance_ignored, true);
if (combing_succeeded)
// add combing travel moves if the combing was successful
// if combing is not possible then move directly to the target destination
// this happens for instance when trying to avoid skin-regions and combing from
// an origin that is on a hole-boundary to a destination that is on the outline-border
comb_paths.throughAir = true;
comb_paths.back().cross_boundary = true;
if (fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles)
return false;
{ // directly through air (not avoiding other parts)
comb_paths.throughAir = true;
comb_paths.back().cross_boundary = true; // note: we don't actually know whether this is cross boundary, but it might very well be
if (skip_avoid_other_parts_path)
if (start_inside == end_inside && start_part_idx == end_part_idx)
if (start_inside)
{ // both start and end are inside
comb_paths.back().cross_boundary = PolygonUtils::polygonCollidesWithLineSegment(start_point, end_point, *inside_loc_to_line_optimal);
{ // both start and end are outside
comb_paths.back().cross_boundary = PolygonUtils::polygonCollidesWithLineSegment(start_point, end_point, **model_boundary_loc_to_line);
comb_paths.back().cross_boundary = true;
if (end_inside)
// boundary to end
assert(end_crossing.dest_part.size() > 0 && "The part we end up inside when combing should have been computed already!");
//If we're inside the optimal bound, first try the optimal combing path. If it fails, use the minimum path instead.
constexpr bool fail_for_optimum_bound = true;
bool combing_succeeded = end_inside && LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(boundary_inside_optimal, *inside_loc_to_line_optimal, end_crossing.in_or_mid, end_point, comb_paths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside, max_comb_distance_ignored, fail_for_optimum_bound);
combing_succeeded = LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(end_crossing.dest_part, *inside_loc_to_line_minimum, end_crossing.in_or_mid, end_point, comb_paths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside, max_comb_distance_ignored, fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles);
// If the endpoint of the travel path changes with combing, then it means that we are moving to an outer wall
// and we should unretract before the last travel move when traveling to that outer wall
unretract_before_last_travel_move = combing_succeeded && end_point != travel_end_point_before_combing;
if (!combing_succeeded)
{ // Couldn't comb between end point and computed crossing to the end part! Happens for very thin parts when the offset_to_get_off_boundary moves points to outside the polygon
return false;
return true;
// Try to move comb_path_input points inside by the amount of `move_inside_distance` and see if the points are still in boundary_inside_optimal, add result in comb_path_output
void Comb::moveCombPathInside(Polygons& boundary_inside, Polygons& boundary_inside_optimal, CombPath& comb_path_input, CombPath& comb_path_output)
const coord_t dist = move_inside_distance;
const coord_t dist2 = dist * dist;
if (comb_path_input.size() == 0)
for(unsigned int point_idx = 1; point_idx<comb_path_input.size()-1; point_idx++)
Point new_point = Point(comb_path_input[point_idx]);
PolygonUtils::moveInside(boundary_inside, new_point, dist, dist2);
if (boundary_inside_optimal.inside(new_point))
if (comb_path_input.size() > 1)
comb_path_output.push_back(comb_path_input[comb_path_input.size() - 1]);
Comb::Crossing::Crossing(const Point& dest_point, const bool dest_is_inside, const unsigned int dest_part_idx, const unsigned int dest_part_boundary_crossing_poly_idx, const Polygons& boundary_inside, const LocToLineGrid& inside_loc_to_line)
: dest_is_inside(dest_is_inside)
, boundary_inside(boundary_inside)
, inside_loc_to_line(inside_loc_to_line)
, dest_point(dest_point)
, dest_part_idx(dest_part_idx)
if (dest_is_inside)
dest_crossing_poly.emplace(boundary_inside[dest_part_boundary_crossing_poly_idx]); // initialize with most obvious poly, cause mostly a combing move will move outside the part, rather than inside a hole in the part
bool Comb::moveInside(Polygons& boundary_inside, bool is_inside, LocToLineGrid* inside_loc_to_line, Point& dest_point, unsigned int& inside_poly)
if (is_inside)
ClosestPolygonPoint cpp = PolygonUtils::ensureInsideOrOutside(boundary_inside, dest_point, offset_extra_start_end, max_moveInside_distance2, &boundary_inside, inside_loc_to_line);
if (!cpp.isValid())
return false;
inside_poly = cpp.poly_idx;
return true;
return false;
void Comb::Crossing::findCrossingInOrMid(const PartsView& partsView_inside, const Point close_to)
if (dest_is_inside)
{ // in-case
// find the point on the start inside-polygon closest to the endpoint, but also kind of close to the start point
Point _dest_point(dest_point); // copy to local variable for lambda capture
std::function<int(Point)> close_towards_start_penalty_function([_dest_point](Point candidate){ return vSize2((candidate - _dest_point) / 10); });
dest_part = partsView_inside.assemblePart(dest_part_idx);
ClosestPolygonPoint boundary_crossing_point;
{ // set [result] to a point on the destination part closest to close_to (but also a bit close to _dest_point)
std::unordered_set<unsigned int> dest_part_poly_indices;
for (unsigned int poly_idx : partsView_inside[dest_part_idx])
coord_t dist2_score = std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max();
std::function<bool (const PolygonsPointIndex&)> line_processor
= [close_to, _dest_point, &boundary_crossing_point, &dist2_score, &dest_part_poly_indices](const PolygonsPointIndex& boundary_segment)
if (dest_part_poly_indices.find(boundary_segment.poly_idx) == dest_part_poly_indices.end())
{ // we're not looking at a polygon from the dest_part
return true; // a.k.a. continue;
Point closest_here = LinearAlg2D::getClosestOnLineSegment(close_to, boundary_segment.p(), boundary_segment.next().p());
coord_t dist2_score_here = vSize2(close_to - closest_here) + vSize2(_dest_point - closest_here) / 10;
if (dist2_score_here < dist2_score)
dist2_score = dist2_score_here;
boundary_crossing_point = ClosestPolygonPoint(closest_here, boundary_segment.point_idx, boundary_segment.getPolygon(), boundary_segment.poly_idx);
return true;
inside_loc_to_line.processLine(std::make_pair(dest_point, close_to), line_processor);
Point result(boundary_crossing_point.p()); // the inside point of the crossing
if (!boundary_crossing_point.isValid())
{ // no point has been found in the sparse grid
result = dest_point;
ClosestPolygonPoint crossing_1_in_cp = PolygonUtils::ensureInsideOrOutside(dest_part, result, boundary_crossing_point, offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside, &boundary_inside, &inside_loc_to_line, close_towards_start_penalty_function);
if (crossing_1_in_cp.isValid())
dest_crossing_poly = crossing_1_in_cp.poly;
in_or_mid = result;
{ // part is too small to be ensuring a point inside with the given distance
in_or_mid = dest_point; // just use the startPoint or endPoint itself
{ // mid-case
in_or_mid = dest_point;
bool Comb::Crossing::findOutside(const Polygons& outside, const Point close_to, const bool fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles, Comb& comber)
out = in_or_mid;
if (dest_is_inside || outside.inside(in_or_mid, true)) // start in_between
{ // move outside
Point preferred_crossing_1_out = in_or_mid + normal(close_to - in_or_mid, comber.offset_from_inside_to_outside);
std::function<int(Point)> close_to_penalty_function([preferred_crossing_1_out](Point candidate){ return vSize2((candidate - preferred_crossing_1_out) / 2); });
std::optional<ClosestPolygonPoint> crossing_1_out_cpp = PolygonUtils::findClose(in_or_mid, outside, comber.getOutsideLocToLine(), close_to_penalty_function);
if (crossing_1_out_cpp)
out = PolygonUtils::moveOutside(*crossing_1_out_cpp, comber.offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside);
PolygonUtils::moveOutside(outside, out, comber.offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside);
int64_t in_out_dist2_1 = vSize2(out - in_or_mid);
if (dest_is_inside && in_out_dist2_1 > comber.max_crossing_dist2) // moveInside moved too far
{ // if move is too far over in_between
// find crossing closer by
assert(dest_crossing_poly && "destination crossing poly should have been instantiated!");
std::shared_ptr<std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>> best = findBestCrossing(outside, **dest_crossing_poly, dest_point, close_to, comber);
if (best)
in_or_mid = PolygonUtils::moveInside(best->first, comber.offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside);
out = PolygonUtils::moveOutside(best->second, comber.offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside);
if (fail_on_unavoidable_obstacles && vSize2(out - in_or_mid) > comber.max_crossing_dist2) // moveInside moved still too far
return false;
return true;
std::shared_ptr<std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>> Comb::Crossing::findBestCrossing(const Polygons& outside, ConstPolygonRef from, const Point estimated_start, const Point estimated_end, Comb& comber)
ClosestPolygonPoint* best_in = nullptr;
ClosestPolygonPoint* best_out = nullptr;
coord_t best_detour_score = std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max();
coord_t best_crossing_dist2;
std::vector<std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>> crossing_out_candidates = PolygonUtils::findClose(from, outside, comber.getOutsideLocToLine());
bool seen_close_enough_connection = false;
for (std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>& crossing_candidate : crossing_out_candidates)
const coord_t crossing_dist2 = vSize2(crossing_candidate.first.location - crossing_candidate.second.location);
if (crossing_dist2 > comber.max_crossing_dist2 * 2)
{ // preliminary filtering
const coord_t dist_to_start = vSize(crossing_candidate.second.location - estimated_start); // use outside location, so that the crossing direction is taken into account
const coord_t dist_to_end = vSize(crossing_candidate.second.location - estimated_end);
const coord_t detour_dist = dist_to_start + dist_to_end;
const coord_t detour_score = crossing_dist2 + detour_dist * detour_dist / 1000; // prefer a closest connection over a detour
// The detour distance is generally large compared to the crossing distance.
// While the crossing is generally about 1mm across,
// the distance between an arbitrary point and the boundary may well be a couple of centimetres.
// So the crossing_dist2 is about 1.000.000 while the detour_dist_2 is in the order of 400.000.000
// In the end we just want to choose between two points which have the _same_ crossing distance, modulo rounding error.
if ((!seen_close_enough_connection && detour_score < best_detour_score) // keep the best as long as we havent seen one close enough (so that we may walk along the polygon to find a closer connection from it in the code below)
|| (!seen_close_enough_connection && crossing_dist2 <= comber.max_crossing_dist2) // make the one which is close enough the best as soon as we see one close enough
|| (seen_close_enough_connection && crossing_dist2 <= comber.max_crossing_dist2 && detour_score < best_detour_score)) // update to keep the best crossing which is close enough already
if (!seen_close_enough_connection && crossing_dist2 <= comber.max_crossing_dist2)
seen_close_enough_connection = true;
best_in = &crossing_candidate.first;
best_out = &crossing_candidate.second;
best_detour_score = detour_score;
best_crossing_dist2 = crossing_dist2;
if (best_detour_score == std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max())
{ // i.e. if best_in == nullptr or if best_out == nullptr
return std::shared_ptr<std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>>();
if (best_crossing_dist2 > comber.max_crossing_dist2)
{ // find closer point on line segments, rather than moving between vertices of the polygons only
PolygonUtils::walkToNearestSmallestConnection(*best_in, *best_out);
best_crossing_dist2 = vSize2(best_in->location - best_out->location);
if (best_crossing_dist2 > comber.max_crossing_dist2)
return std::shared_ptr<std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>>();
return std::make_shared<std::pair<ClosestPolygonPoint, ClosestPolygonPoint>>(*best_in, *best_out);
}//namespace cura
