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poweredExplicitGuidance3Stage.py 6.47 KB
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Lupeng 提交于 2020-09-17 21:02 . 迁移到Python3,并修改排版
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 22 13:47:41 2016
Copy and recreation of matlab code from https://github.com/Noiredd/PEGAS
Implementation of Powered Explicit Guidance major loop.
Implementation of 2 Stage PEG algorithm
Dependencies: lib_physicalconstants.py
@author: sig
import numpy as np
from decimal import *
def poweredExplicitGuidance3Stage(dT, alt, vt, vr, tgt, acc, a2_0, ve1, ve2, omega_T1, oldA1, oldB1, oldT1, oldT2):
# dT - time since last itration [s] can be zero oldT1 - burntime of first stage left [s], this value is always
# known, since we assume that second stage (stage 1) burns out completely
# alt - current altitude as distance from body center [m]
# vt - tangential velocity (horizontal - orbital) [m/s]
# vr - radial velocity (veritcal - away from the Earth) [m/s]
# tgt - target altitude (measured as current) [m]
# acc - current vehicle acceleration [m/s^2]
# ve - effective exhaust velocity (isp*g0) [m/s]
global mu # requires to run lib_physicalconstants.py first
# NOTE staging not in here
tau = ve1 / acc # A sort of normalized mass - time to burn the vehicle completely as if it were all propellant [s]
# update time first
B1 = oldB1
A1 = oldA1 + oldB1 * dT
T1 = oldT1 # time update of T1 is done outside this function
T2 = oldT2
T = oldT1 + oldT2 # total burn time left
# 42a and 42b
rdot_0 = vr # radial velocity [m/s] right now
r_0 = alt # radial distance [m] right now
b01_T1 = -ve1 * np.log(1 - T1 / tau)
b11_T1 = b01_T1 * tau - ve1 * T1
b21_T1 = b11_T1 * tau - ve1 * T1 * T1 / 2
c01_T1 = b01_T1 * T1 - b11_T1
c11_T1 = c01_T1 * tau - ve1 * T1 * T1 / 2
# eq. 6 for first stage for calculating eq 34. and ultimately for eq. 40 (dA and dB)
rdot_T1 = rdot_0 + b01_T1 * A1 + b11_T1 * B1
r_T1 = r_0 + rdot_0 * T1 + c01_T1 * A1 + c11_T1 * B1
# current required pitch
a1_0 = acc # current acceleration or accceleration of stage 1 at time zero (now)
# C1_0 = (mu/(Decimal(alt)*Decimal(alt)) - Decimal(vt*vt)/Decimal(alt)) / Decimal(a1_0) #Portion of vehicle
# acceleration used to counteract gravity and centrifugal force C1_0 = float(str(C1_0))
C1_0 = (mu / (alt * alt) - vt * vt / alt) / a1_0
fr1_0 = A1 + C1_0
# Horizontal state at staging (delta time T1 in the future)
# for loop to test convergence of omega_T1, only one step per PEG step needed I think
a1_T1 = acc / (1 - T1 / tau)
# C1_T1 = (mu/(Decimal(r_T1)*Decimal(r_T1)) - Decimal(omega_T1*omega_T1)*Decimal(r_T1)) / Decimal(a1_T1)
# C1_T1 = float(str(C1_T1))
C1_T1 = (mu / (r_T1 * r_T1) - omega_T1 * omega_T1 * r_T1) / a1_T1
fr1_T1 = A1 + B1 * T1 + C1_T1
fr1dot_T1 = (fr1_T1 - fr1_0) / T1
ftheta1_T1 = 1 - fr1_T1 * fr1_T1 / 2
fthetadot1_T1 = - (fr1_T1 * fr1dot_T1)
fthetadotdot1_T1 = - fr1dot_T1 * fr1dot_T1 / 2
# 42c equation (not sure if I have to use (r(0)- r(T) or r(0) - r(T1))
dh_T1 = (r_0 + tgt) / 2 * (ftheta1_T1 * b01_T1 + fthetadot1_T1 * b11_T1 + fthetadotdot1_T1 * b21_T1)
h_0 = np.linalg.norm(np.cross([0, 0, alt], [vt, 0, vr])) # current angular momentum [unit? m2/s]
h_T1 = h_0 + dh_T1
vtheta_T1 = h_T1 / r_T1 # tangential velocitiy [m/s] at time T1 (staging)
omega_T1 = vtheta_T1 / r_T1 # estimate of the angular velocity at staging (should iteratively converge)
# guidance staging discontinuities
# a2_0 acceleration at staging event?? not sure what this is hypotheticaly if we would stage now what would be the acceleration?
dA = C1_T1 * a1_T1 * (1 / a1_T1 - 1 / a2_0)
# dB = (Decimal(-C1_T1) * Decimal(a1_T1) * (1/Decimal(ve1) - 1/Decimal(ve2))) + (3*Decimal(omega_T1*omega_T1) - 2*mu/Decimal(r_T1*r_T1*r_T1))*Decimal(rdot_T1)*(1/Decimal(a1_T1) - 1/Decimal(a2_0))
# dB = float(str(dB))
dB = -C1_T1 * a1_T1 * (1 / ve1 - 1 / ve2) + (3 * omega_T1 * omega_T1 - 2 * mu / (r_T1 * r_T1 * r_T1)) * rdot_T1 * (
1 / a1_T1 - 1 / a2_0)
# Solve Explicit Guidance Equations. An estimated stage 2 burn time T_2 is needed
tau2 = ve2 / a2_0
b02_T2 = -ve2 * np.log(1 - T2 / tau2)
b12_T2 = b02_T2 * tau2 - ve2 * T2
c02_T2 = b02_T2 * T2 - b12_T2
c12_T2 = c02_T2 * tau2 - ve2 * T2 * T2 / 2
MA11 = b01_T1 + b02_T2
MA12 = b11_T1 + b12_T2 + b02_T2 * T1
MA21 = c01_T1 + c02_T2 + b01_T1 * T2
MA22 = c11_T1 + b11_T1 * T2 + c02_T2 * T1 + c12_T2
MA = np.array([[MA11, MA12], [MA21, MA22]])
rdot_T = 0 # target radial velocity is zero for circular orbit [m/s]
r_T = tgt # target altitude (radial distance) [m]
MB1 = rdot_T - rdot_0 - b02_T2 * dA - b12_T2 * dB
MB2 = r_T - r_0 - rdot_0 * T - c02_T2 * dA - c12_T2 * dB
MB = np.array([MB1, MB2])
MX = np.linalg.solve(MA, MB)
A1 = MX[0]
B1 = MX[1]
# Estimate stage 2 burn time T2, using the same method as for the single stage, but from staging state to target state
A2 = dA + A1 + B1 * T1
B2 = dB + B1
v_tgt = np.sqrt(mu / tgt)
h_T = v_tgt * tgt # ht_vec = np.cross([0, 0, tgt],[v_tgt, 0, 0]) and ht = np.linalg.norm(ht_vec)
dh = h_T - h_T1
rbar = (r_T1 + tgt) / 2
# C2 = (mu/(Decimal(r_T1)*Decimal(r_T1)) - Decimal(omega_T1*omega_T1)*Decimal(r_T1)) / Decimal(a2_0)
# C2 = float(str(C2))
C2 = (mu / (r_T1 * r_T1) - omega_T1 * omega_T1 * r_T1) / a2_0
fr2_0 = A2 + C2
omega_T = v_tgt / tgt
a2_T2 = a2_0 / (1 - T2 / tau2)
# C2_T = (mu/(Decimal(r_T)*Decimal(r_T)) - Decimal(omega_T*omega_T)*Decimal(r_T)) / Decimal(a2_T2)
# C2_T = float(str(C2_T))
C2_T = (mu / (r_T * r_T) - omega_T * omega_T * r_T) / a2_T2
fr2_T = A2 + B2 * T2 + C2_T
fr2dot = (fr2_T - fr2_0) / T2
ftheta2 = 1 - fr2_T * fr2_T / 2
ftheta2dot = - (fr2_T * fr2dot)
ftheta2dotdot = fr2dot * fr2dot / 2
dv = (dh / rbar + ve2 * T2 * (ftheta2dot + ftheta2dotdot * tau2) + ftheta2dotdot * ve2 * T2 * T2 / 2) / (
ftheta2 + ftheta2dot * tau2 + ftheta2dotdot * tau2 * tau2)
T2 = tau2 * (1 - np.exp(-dv / ve2))
return A1, B1, C1_0, T1, omega_T1, T2
