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package main
import (
jaegerModels "github.com/kiali/kiali/jaeger/model/json"
// - keep this alphabetized
// swagger:parameters aggregateMetrics graphAggregate graphAggregateByService
type AggregateParam struct {
// The aggregate name (label).
// in: path
// required: true
Name string `json:"aggregate"`
// swagger:parameters aggregateMetrics graphAggregate graphAggregateByService
type AggregateValueParam struct {
// The aggregate value (label value).
// in: path
// required: true
Name string `json:"aggregateValue"`
// swagger:parameters appMetrics appDetails graphApp graphAppVersion appDashboard appSpans appTraces errorTraces
type AppParam struct {
// The app name (label value).
// in: path
// required: true
Name string `json:"app"`
// swagger:parameters graphAppVersion
type AppVersionParam struct {
// The app version (label value).
// in: path
// required: false
Name string `json:"version"`
// swagger:parameters graphAggregate graphAggregateByService graphApp graphAppVersion graphService graphWorkload
type ClusterParam struct {
// The cluster name. If not supplied queries/results will not be constrained by cluster.
// in: query
// required: false
Name string `json:"container"`
// swagger:parameters podLogs
type ContainerParam struct {
// The pod container name. Optional for single-container pod. Otherwise required.
// in: query
// required: false
Name string `json:"container"`
// swagger:parameters podProxyLogging
type LoggingParam struct {
// The log level for the pod's proxy.
// in: query
// required: true
Level ProxyLogLevel `json:"level"`
// swagger:parameters istioConfigList workloadList workloadDetails workloadUpdate serviceDetails serviceUpdate appSpans serviceSpans workloadSpans appTraces serviceTraces workloadTraces errorTraces workloadValidations appList serviceMetrics aggregateMetrics appMetrics workloadMetrics istioConfigDetails istioConfigDetailsSubtype istioConfigDelete istioConfigDeleteSubtype istioConfigUpdate istioConfigUpdateSubtype serviceList appDetails graphAggregate graphAggregateByService graphApp graphAppVersion graphNamespace graphService graphWorkload namespaceMetrics customDashboard appDashboard serviceDashboard workloadDashboard istioConfigCreate istioConfigCreateSubtype namespaceUpdate namespaceTls podDetails podLogs namespaceValidations podProxyDump podProxyResource podProxyLogging
type NamespaceParam struct {
// The namespace name.
// in: path
// required: true
Name string `json:"namespace"`
// swagger:parameters istioConfigDetails istioConfigDetailsSubtype istioConfigDelete istioConfigDeleteSubtype istioConfigUpdate istioConfigUpdateSubtype
type ObjectNameParam struct {
// The Istio object name.
// in: path
// required: true
Name string `json:"object"`
// swagger:parameters istioConfigDetails istioConfigDetailsSubtype istioConfigDelete istioConfigDeleteSubtype istioConfigUpdate istioConfigUpdateSubtype istioConfigCreate istioConfigCreateSubtype
type ObjectTypeParam struct {
// The Istio object type.
// in: path
// required: true
// pattern: ^(gateways|virtualservices|destinationrules|serviceentries|rules|quotaspecs|quotaspecbindings)$
Name string `json:"object_type"`
// swagger:parameters istioConfigList istioConfigDetails serviceDetails serviceUpdate
type ValidateParam struct {
// Enable validation or not
// in: query
// required: false
Name string `json:"validate"`
// swagger:parameters podDetails podLogs podProxyDump podProxyResource podProxyLogging
type PodParam struct {
// The pod name.
// in: path
// required: true
Name string `json:"pod"`
// swagger:parameters podProxyResource
type ResourceParam struct {
// The discovery service resource
// in: path
// required: true
Name string `json:"resource"`
// swagger:parameters serviceDetails serviceUpdate serviceMetrics graphService graphAggregateByService serviceDashboard serviceSpans serviceTraces
type ServiceParam struct {
// The service name.
// in: path
// required: true
Name string `json:"service"`
// swagger:parameters podLogs
type SinceTimeParam struct {
// The start time for fetching logs. UNIX time in seconds. Default is all logs.
// in: query
// required: false
Name string `json:"sinceTime"`
// swagger:parameters podLogs
type DurationLogParam struct {
// Query time-range duration (Golang string duration). Duration starts on
// `sinceTime` if set, or the time for the first log message if not set.
// in: query
// required: false
Name string `json:"duration"`
// swagger:parameters traceDetails
type TraceIDParam struct {
// The trace ID.
// in: path
// required: true
Name string `json:"traceID"`
// swagger:parameters customDashboard
type DashboardParam struct {
// The dashboard resource name.
// in: path
// required: true
Name string `json:"dashboard"`
// swagger:parameters workloadDetails workloadUpdate workloadValidations workloadMetrics graphWorkload workloadDashboard workloadSpans workloadTraces
type WorkloadParam struct {
// The workload name.
// in: path
// required: true
Name string `json:"workload"`
// - keep this alphabetized
// swagger:parameters graphApp graphAppVersion graphNamespaces graphService graphWorkload
type AppendersParam struct {
// Comma-separated list of Appenders to run. Available appenders: [aggregateNode, deadNode, healthConfig, idleNode, istio, responseTime, securityPolicy, serviceEntry, sidecarsCheck, throughput].
// in: query
// required: false
// default: aggregateNode,deadNode,healthConfig,idleNode,istio,responseTime,securityPolicy,serviceEntry,sidecarsCheck,throughput
Name string `json:"appenders"`
// swagger:parameters graphApp graphAppVersion graphNamespaces graphService graphWorkload
type BoxByParam struct {
// Comma-separated list of desired node boxing. Available boxings: [app, cluster, namespace].
// in: query
// required: false
Name string `json:"boxBy"`
// swagger:parameters graphApp graphAppVersion graphNamespaces graphService graphWorkload
type DurationGraphParam struct {
// Query time-range duration (Golang string duration).
// in: query
// required: false
// default: 10m
Name string `json:"duration"`
// swagger:parameters graphNamespaces graphService graphWorkload
type GraphTypeParam struct {
// Graph type. Available graph types: [app, service, versionedApp, workload].
// in: query
// required: false
// default: workload
Name string `json:"graphType"`
// swagger:parameters graphApp graphAppVersion
type AppGraphTypeParam struct {
// Graph type. Available graph types: [app, versionedApp].
// in: query
// required: true
Name string `json:"graphType"`
// swagger:parameters graphApp graphAppVersion graphNamespaces graphWorkload
type IncludeIdleEdges struct {
// Flag for including edges that have no request traffic for the time period.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: false
Name string `json:"includeIdleEdges"`
// swagger:parameters graphApp graphAppVersion graphNamespaces graphWorkload
type InjectServiceNodes struct {
// Flag for injecting the requested service node between source and destination nodes.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: false
Name string `json:"injectServiceNodes"`
// swagger:parameters graphNamespaces
type NamespacesParam struct {
// Comma-separated list of namespaces to include in the graph. The namespaces must be accessible to the client.
// in: query
// required: true
Name string `json:"namespaces"`
// swagger:parameters graphApp graphAppVersion graphNamespaces graphService graphWorkload
type QueryTimeParam struct {
// Unix time (seconds) for query such that time range is [queryTime-duration..queryTime]. Default is now.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: now
Name string `json:"queryTime"`
// swagger:parameters graphApp graphAppVersion graphNamespaces graphService graphWorkload
type RateGrpcParam struct {
// How to calculate gRPC traffic rate. One of: none | received (i.e. response_messages) | requests | sent (i.e. request_messages) | total (i.e. sent+received).
// in: query
// required: false
// default: requests
Name string `json:"rateGrpc"`
// swagger:parameters graphApp graphAppVersion graphNamespaces graphService graphWorkload
type RateHttpParam struct {
// How to calculate HTTP traffic rate. One of: none | requests.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: requests
Name string `json:"rateHttp"`
// swagger:parameters graphApp graphAppVersion graphNamespaces graphService graphWorkload
type RateTcpParam struct {
// How to calculate TCP traffic rate. One of: none | received (i.e. received_bytes) | sent (i.e. sent_bytes) | total (i.e. sent+received).
// in: query
// required: false
// default: sent
Name string `json:"rateTcp"`
// swagger:parameters graphApp graphAppVersion graphNamespaces graphService graphWorkload
type ResponseTimeParam struct {
// Used only with responseTime appender. One of: avg | 50 | 95 | 99.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: 95
Name string `json:"responseTime"`
// swagger:parameters graphApp graphAppVersion graphNamespaces graphService graphWorkload
type ThroughputParam struct {
// Used only with throughput appender. One of: request | response.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: request
Name string `json:"throughput"`
// - keep this alphabetized
// swagger:parameters customDashboard
type AdditionalLabelsParam struct {
// In custom dashboards, additional labels that are made available for grouping in the UI, regardless which aggregations are defined in the MonitoringDashboard CR
// in: query
// required: false
Name string `json:"additionalLabels"`
// swagger:parameters serviceMetrics aggregateMetrics appMetrics workloadMetrics customDashboard appDashboard serviceDashboard workloadDashboard
type AvgParam struct {
// Flag for fetching histogram average. Default is true.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: true
Name bool `json:"avg"`
// swagger:parameters serviceMetrics aggregateMetrics appMetrics workloadMetrics customDashboard appDashboard serviceDashboard workloadDashboard
type ByLabelsParam struct {
// List of labels to use for grouping metrics (via Prometheus 'by' clause).
// in: query
// required: false
// default: []
Name []string `json:"byLabels[]"`
// swagger:parameters serviceMetrics aggregateMetrics appMetrics workloadMetrics appDashboard serviceDashboard workloadDashboard
type DirectionParam struct {
// Traffic direction: 'inbound' or 'outbound'.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: outbound
Name string `json:"direction"`
// swagger:parameters serviceMetrics aggregateMetrics appMetrics workloadMetrics customDashboard appDashboard serviceDashboard workloadDashboard
type DurationParam struct {
// Duration of the query period, in seconds.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: 1800
Name int `json:"duration"`
// swagger:parameters serviceMetrics aggregateMetrics appMetrics workloadMetrics
type FiltersParam struct {
// List of metrics to fetch. Fetch all metrics when empty. List entries are Kiali internal metric names.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: []
Name []string `json:"filters[]"`
// swagger:parameters customDashboard
type LabelsFiltersParam struct {
// In custom dashboards, labels filters to use when fetching metrics, formatted as key:value pairs. Ex: "app:foo,version:bar".
// in: query
// required: false
Name string `json:"labelsFilters"`
// swagger:parameters serviceMetrics aggregateMetrics appMetrics workloadMetrics customDashboard appDashboard serviceDashboard workloadDashboard
type QuantilesParam struct {
// List of quantiles to fetch. Fetch no quantiles when empty. Ex: [0.5, 0.95, 0.99].
// in: query
// required: false
// default: []
Name []string `json:"quantiles[]"`
// swagger:parameters serviceMetrics aggregateMetrics appMetrics workloadMetrics customDashboard appDashboard serviceDashboard workloadDashboard
type RateFuncParam struct {
// Prometheus function used to calculate rate: 'rate' or 'irate'.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: rate
Name string `json:"rateFunc"`
// swagger:parameters serviceMetrics aggregateMetrics appMetrics workloadMetrics customDashboard appDashboard serviceDashboard workloadDashboard
type RateIntervalParam struct {
// Interval used for rate and histogram calculation.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: 1m
Name string `json:"rateInterval"`
// swagger:parameters serviceMetrics aggregateMetrics appMetrics workloadMetrics appDashboard serviceDashboard workloadDashboard
type RequestProtocolParam struct {
// Desired request protocol for the telemetry: For example, 'http' or 'grpc'.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: all protocols
Name string `json:"requestProtocol"`
// swagger:parameters serviceMetrics aggregateMetrics appMetrics workloadMetrics appDashboard serviceDashboard workloadDashboard
type ReporterParam struct {
// Istio telemetry reporter: 'source' or 'destination'.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: source
Name string `json:"reporter"`
// swagger:parameters serviceMetrics aggregateMetrics appMetrics workloadMetrics customDashboard appDashboard serviceDashboard workloadDashboard
type StepParam struct {
// Step between [graph] datapoints, in seconds.
// in: query
// required: false
// default: 15
Name int `json:"step"`
// swagger:parameters serviceMetrics aggregateMetrics appMetrics workloadMetrics
type VersionParam struct {
// Filters metrics by the specified version.
// in: query
// required: false
Name string `json:"version"`
// NoContent: the response is empty
// swagger:response noContent
type NoContent struct {
// in: body
Body struct {
// HTTP status code
// example: 204
// default: 204
Code int32 `json:"code"`
Message error `json:"message"`
} `json:"body"`
// BadRequestError: the client request is incorrect
// swagger:response badRequestError
type BadRequestError struct {
// in: body
Body struct {
// HTTP status code
// example: 400
// default: 400
Code int32 `json:"code"`
Message error `json:"message"`
} `json:"body"`
// A NotFoundError is the error message that is generated when server could not find what was requested.
// swagger:response notFoundError
type NotFoundError struct {
// in: body
Body struct {
// HTTP status code
// example: 404
// default: 404
Code int32 `json:"code"`
Message error `json:"message"`
} `json:"body"`
// A NotAcceptable is the error message that means request can't be accepted
// swagger:response notAcceptableError
type NotAcceptableError struct {
// in: body
Body struct {
// HTTP status code
// example: 404
// default: 404
Code int32 `json:"code"`
Message error `json:"message"`
} `json:"body"`
// A Internal is the error message that means something has gone wrong
// swagger:response internalError
type InternalError struct {
// in: body
Body struct {
// HTTP status code
// example: 500
// default: 500
Code int32 `json:"code"`
Message error `json:"message"`
} `json:"body"`
// A Internal is the error message that means something has gone wrong
// swagger:response serviceUnavailableError
type serviceUnavailableError struct {
// in: body
Body struct {
// HTTP status code
// example: 503
// default: 503
Code int32 `json:"code"`
Message error `json:"message"`
} `json:"body"`
// HTTP status code 200 and statusInfo model in data
// swagger:response statusInfo
type swaggStatusInfoResp struct {
// in:body
Body status.StatusInfo
// HTTP status code 200 and userGenerated model in data
// swagger:response userSessionData
type swaggTokenGeneratedResp struct {
// in:body
Body authentication.UserSessionData
// HTTP status code 200 and cytoscapejs Config in data
// swagger:response graphResponse
type GraphResponse struct {
// in:body
Body cytoscape.Config
// HTTP status code 200 and IstioConfigList model in data
// swagger:response istioConfigList
type IstioConfigResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.IstioConfigList
// Listing all services in the namespace
// swagger:response serviceListResponse
type ServiceListResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.ServiceList
// Listing all workloads in the namespace
// swagger:response workloadListResponse
type WorkloadListResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.WorkloadList
// Listing all apps in the namespace
// swagger:response appListResponse
type AppListResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.AppList
// namespaceAppHealthResponse is a map of app name x health
// swagger:response namespaceAppHealthResponse
type namespaceAppHealthResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.NamespaceAppHealth
// namespaceResponse is a basic namespace
// swagger:response namespaceResponse
type namespaceResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.Namespace
// Listing all the information related to a workload
// swagger:response serviceDetailsResponse
type ServiceDetailsResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.ServiceDetails
// Listing all the information related to a Trace
// swagger:response traceDetailsResponse
type TraceDetailsResponse struct {
// in:body
Body []jaegerModels.Trace
// Number of traces in error
// swagger:response errorTracesResponse
type ErrorTracesResponse struct {
// in:body
Body int
// Listing all the information related to a Span
// swagger:response spansResponse
type SpansResponse struct {
// in:body
Body []jaeger.JaegerSpan
// Listing all the information related to a workload
// swagger:response workloadDetails
type WorkloadDetailsResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.Workload
// Metrics response model
// swagger:response metricsResponse
type MetricsResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.MetricsMap
// Dashboard response model
// swagger:response dashboardResponse
type DashboardResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.MonitoringDashboard
// IstioConfig details of an specific Istio Object
// swagger:response istioConfigDetailsResponse
type IstioConfigDetailsResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.IstioConfigDetails
// Detailed information of an specific app
// swagger:response appDetails
type AppDetailsResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.App
// List of Namespaces
// swagger:response namespaceList
type NamespaceListResponse struct {
// in:body
Body []models.Namespace
// Return all the descriptor data related to Grafana
// swagger:response grafanaInfoResponse
type GrafanaInfoResponse struct {
// in: body
Body models.GrafanaInfo
// Return all the descriptor data related to Jaeger
// swagger:response jaegerInfoResponse
type JaegerInfoResponse struct {
// in: body
Body models.JaegerInfo
// Return the information necessary to handle login
// swagger:response authenticationInfo
type AuthenticationInfoResponse struct {
Strategy string
AuthorizationEndpoint string
// Return the mTLS status of the whole Mesh
// swagger:response meshTlsResponse
type MeshTlsResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.MTLSStatus
// Return the mTLS status of a specific Namespace
// swagger:response namespaceTlsResponse
type NamespaceTlsResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.MTLSStatus
// Return the validation status of a specific Namespace
// swagger:response namespaceValidationSummaryResponse
type NamespaceValidationSummaryResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.IstioValidationSummary
// Return a dump of the configuration of a given envoy proxy
// swagger:response configDump
type ConfigDumpResponse struct {
// in:body
Body models.EnvoyProxyDump
// Return a dump of the configuration of a given envoy proxy
// swagger:response configDumpResource
type ConfigDumpResourceResponse struct {
// in:body
Body map[string]interface{}
// List of validations grouped by object type
// swagger:model
type TypedIstioValidations map[string]NameIstioValidation
// List of validations grouped by object name
// swagger:model
type NameIstioValidation map[string]models.IstioValidation
// Return caller permissions per namespace and Istio Config type
// swagger:response istioConfigPermissions
type swaggIstioConfigPermissions struct {
// in:body
Body models.IstioConfigPermissions
// Return a list of Istio components along its status
// swagger:response istioStatusResponse
type IstioStatusResponse struct {
// in: body
Body kubernetes.IstioComponentStatus
// Return a list of certificates information
// swagger:response certsInfoResponse
type CertsInfoResponse struct {
// in: body
Body []models.CertInfo
// Posted parameters for a metrics stats query
// swagger:parameters metricsStats
type MetricsStatsQueryBody struct {
// in: body
Body models.MetricsStatsQueries
// Response of the metrics stats query
// swagger:response metricsStatsResponse
type MetricsStatsResponse struct {
// in: body
Body models.MetricsStats
// swagger:enum ProxyLogLevel
type ProxyLogLevel string
const (
ProxyLogLevelOff ProxyLogLevel = "off"
ProxyLogLevelTrace ProxyLogLevel = "trace"
ProxyLogLevelDebug ProxyLogLevel = "debug"
ProxyLogLevelInfo ProxyLogLevel = "info"
ProxyLogLevelWarning ProxyLogLevel = "warning"
ProxyLogLevelError ProxyLogLevel = "error"
ProxyLogLevelCritical ProxyLogLevel = "critical"
