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卖菇凉小蘑菇 / Verilog-UART

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WangXuan95 提交于 2022-04-17 19:09 . update

语言 仿真 部署 部署

中文 | English



UART接收器 uart_rx

UART接收器的代码文件是 RTL/uart_rx.sv ,定义如下:

module uart_rx #(
    parameter CLK_DIV = 434,     // UART baud rate = clk freq/CLK_DIV. for example, when clk=50MHz, CLK_DIV=434, then baud=50MHz/434=115200
    parameter PARITY  = "NONE"   // "NONE", "ODD" or "EVEN"
) (
    input  wire       rstn,
    input  wire       clk,
    // uart rx input signal
    input  wire       i_uart_rx,
    // user interface
    output reg  [7:0] rx_data,
    output reg        rx_en


  • CLK_DIV 是分频系数,决定了 UART波特率, UART波特率 = clk 频率 / CLK_DIV
  • PARITY 决定了校验位,"NONE"是无校验位,"ODD"是奇校验位,"EVEN"是偶校验位。
  • rstn 是复位,在开始时让 rstn=0 来复位,然后让 rstn=1 释放复位。
  • clk 是时钟。所有信号的采样和改变都要在 clk 的上升沿进行。
  • i_uart_rx 是 UART 接收信号。
  • rx_datarx_en 信号:当 rx_en=1 时,说明模块接收到一个字节的 UART 数据,同时该字节在 rx_data 有效。

UART发送器 uart_tx

UART发送器的代码文件是 RTL/uart_tx.sv ,定义如下:

module uart_tx #(
    parameter CLK_DIV     = 434,       // UART baud rate = clk freq/CLK_DIV. for example, when clk=50MHz, CLK_DIV=434, then baud=50MHz/434=115200
    parameter PARITY      = "NONE",    // "NONE", "ODD" or "EVEN"
    parameter ASIZE       = 10,        // UART TX buffer size = 2^ASIZE bytes, Set it smaller if your FPGA doesn't have enough BRAM
    parameter DWIDTH      = 1,         // Specify width of tx_data , that is, how many bytes can it input per clock cycle
    parameter ENDIAN      = "LITTLE",  // "LITTLE" or "BIG". when DWIDTH>=2, this parameter determines the byte order of tx_data
    parameter MODE        = "RAW",     // "RAW", "PRINTABLE", "HEX" or "HEXSPACE"
    parameter END_OF_DATA = "",        // Specify a extra send byte after each tx_data. when ="", do not send this extra byte
    parameter END_OF_PACK = ""         // Specify a extra send byte after each tx_data with tx_last=1. when ="", do not send this extra byte
    input  wire                rstn,
    input  wire                clk,
    // user interface
    input  wire [DWIDTH*8-1:0] tx_data,
    input  wire                tx_last,
    input  wire                tx_en,
    output wire                tx_rdy,
    // uart tx output signal
    output reg                 o_uart_tx

UART发送器内部有一个FIFO,缓存暂时未发送的数据。所以,发送数据的方式是向FIFO中写入数据。写FIFO的波形图如图1,其中 tx_entx_rdy 构成了握手信号,这张图中它连续向FIFO写入了5个数据,期间 tx_en 置1,代表持续的写入请求,前四个数据时 tx_rdy=1,说明它们在一个周期内就成功写入。第5个数据时 tx_rdy=0,说明FIFO满了,则 tx_entx_data 要持续保持直到 tx_rdy=1 为止,第5个数据才被成功写入。

图1:向 uart_tx 模块中发送数据的波形图

uart_tx.sv 的其它说明:

  • CLK_DIV 是分频系数,决定了 UART波特率, UART波特率 = clk 频率 / CLK_DIV 。
  • PARITY 决定了校验位,"NONE"是无校验位,"ODD" 是奇校验位,"EVEN" 是偶校验位。
  • DWIDTH 决定了每个数据具有多少个字节,也就是 tx_data 的数据位宽,1代表1字节,2代表2字节...
  • ENDIAN 决定了字节序:
    • "LITTLE"是小端序,代表数据中的低字节先发送;
    • "BIG"是大端序,代表数据中的高字节先发送。
  • MODE 决定了发送模式:
    • "RAW" 是直接发送字节;
    • "PRINTABLE" 是只发送ASCII可打印字节,跳过不可打印字节;
    • "HEX" 是十六进制打印模式,对于一个字节 0xAB ,它实际上会转化成两个字节 "A", "B" 来发送。
    • "HEXSPACE" 是十六进制加空格打印模式,对于一个字节 0xAB ,它实际上会转化成三个字节 "A", "B", " " 来发送。
  • END_OF_DATA 决定了是否在每个数据后额外加一个字节:
    • 如果让 END_OF_DATA="" ,则不发送额外的字节。
    • 可以让 END_OF_DATA="\n" ,这样每次发送完一个数据就发送一个换行。
  • END_OF_PACK 决定了是否在 tx_last=1 的数据后额外加一个字节。在输入 tx_data 的同时,你可以令 tx_last=1 ,这样:
    • 如果让 END_OF_PACK="" ,则不发送额外的字节。
    • 可以让 END_OF_PACK="E" ,发送完该数据时,就发送一个 "E"。
  • rstn 是复位,在开始时让 rstn=0 来复位,然后让 rstn=1 释放复位。
  • clk 是时钟。所有信号的采样和改变都要在 clk 的上升沿进行。
  • o_uart_tx 是 UART 发送信号。

UART交互式调试器 debug_uart

UART交互式调试器的代码文件是 RTL/debug_uart.sv,它能接收上位机的 UART 命令,完成总线读写或存储器读写,并将结果反馈给上位机。是调试存储器或SoC系统的有力工具。

debug_uart 定义如下:

module debug_uart #(
    parameter  UART_CLK_DIV = 434, // UART baud rate = clk freq/UART_CLK_DIV. for example, when clk=50MHz, UART_CLK_DIV=434 , then baud=50MHz/434=115200
    parameter  AWIDTH       = 4,   // address width = 4bytes = 32bits
    parameter  DWIDTH       = 4,   // data width = 4bytes = 32bits
    parameter  WR_TIMEOUT   = 500, // wait for wr_rdy cycles
    parameter  RD_TIMEOUT   = 500, // wait for rd_rdy cycles
    parameter  READ_IMM     = 0    // 0: read after rd_rdy: Capture rd_data in the next clock cycle of rd_rdy=1
                                   // 1: read immediately : Capture rd_data in the clock cycle of rd_rdy=1
    input  wire                rstn,
    input  wire                clk,
    // UART
    input  wire                i_uart_rx,
    output reg                 o_uart_tx,
    // bus write interface
    output reg                 wr_en,
    input  wire                wr_rdy,
    output reg  [AWIDTH*8-1:0] wr_addr,
    output reg  [DWIDTH*8-1:0] wr_data,
    // bus read  interface
    output reg                 rd_en,
    input  wire                rd_rdy,
    output reg  [AWIDTH*8-1:0] rd_addr,
    input  wire [DWIDTH*8-1:0] rd_data

debug_uart 的使用方式是:

  • 通过 UART 给它发送 addr\n ,就可以在 bus read interface 上发起一个读请求。例如,输入 12\n 能发起一个 rd_addr=0x12 的读请求。
  • 输入 addr data\n ,就可以在 bus write interface 上发起一个写请求。例如,输入 12 deadbeef\n 能发起一个 rd_addr=0x12 的写请求,写数据 wr_data=0xdeadbeef

读请求、写请求的波形如图2。注意到 READ_IMM 参数会决定读请求时的采样 rd_data 的时刻。

图2:写请求(左)、读请求 READ_IMM=1(中)、读请求 READ_IMM=0(右)


仿真相关的文件都在 SIM 文件夹中,其中:

  • tb_uart_tx_uart_rx.sv 是 uart_tx 和 uart_rx 的联合仿真代码,它把 uart_tx 和 uart_rx 的 UART 信号连起来,所以在 uart_tx 发送的数据会在 uart_rx 上接收到。
  • tb_uart_tx_uart_rx_run_iverilog.bat 包含了运行 iverilog 仿真的命令。
  • tb_debug_uart.sv 是针对 debug_uart 的仿真代码。
  • tb_debug_uart_run_iverilog.bat 包含了运行 iverilog 仿真的命令。

使用 iverilog 进行仿真前,需要安装 iverilog ,见:iverilog_usage

然后双击 tb_uart_tx_uart_rx_run_iverilog.bat 或 tb_debug_uart_run_iverilog.bat 运行仿真,然后可以打开生成的 dump.vcd 文件查看波形。


This repository contains 3 independent modules:

UART Receiver: uart_rx

The source file for the UART receiver is RTL/uart_rx.sv which is defined as follows:

module uart_rx #(
    parameter CLK_DIV = 434,     // UART baud rate = clk freq/CLK_DIV. for example, when clk=50MHz, CLK_DIV=434, then baud=50MHz/434=115200
    parameter PARITY  = "NONE"   // "NONE", "ODD" or "EVEN"
) (
    input  wire       rstn,
    input  wire       clk,
    // uart rx input signal
    input  wire       i_uart_rx,
    // user interface
    output reg  [7:0] rx_data,
    output reg        rx_en


  • CLK_DIV is the clock division factor, which determines the UART baud rate, UART baud rate = clk frequency / CLK_DIV .
  • PARITY determines the parity type, "NONE" is no parity, "ODD" is odd parity, and "EVEN" is even parity.
  • rstn is reset, at the beginning let rstn=0 to reset, then let rstn=1 to release reset.
  • clk is the driving clock. All signals should be changed or sampled at the rising edge of clk.
  • i_uart_rx is the UART RX signal.
  • rx_data and rx_en signals: rx_en=1 means that the module has received a byte of UART data, and the byte is valid on rx_data.

UART Transmitter: uart_tx

The source file for the UART transmitter is RTL/uart_tx.sv which is defined as follows:

module uart_tx #(
    parameter CLK_DIV     = 434,       // UART baud rate = clk freq/CLK_DIV. for example, when clk=50MHz, CLK_DIV=434, then baud=50MHz/434=115200
    parameter PARITY      = "NONE",    // "NONE", "ODD" or "EVEN"
    parameter ASIZE       = 10,        // UART TX buffer size = 2^ASIZE bytes, Set it smaller if your FPGA doesn't have enough BRAM
    parameter DWIDTH      = 1,         // Specify width of tx_data , that is, how many bytes can it input per clock cycle
    parameter ENDIAN      = "LITTLE",  // "LITTLE" or "BIG". when DWIDTH>=2, this parameter determines the byte order of tx_data
    parameter MODE        = "RAW",     // "RAW", "PRINTABLE", "HEX" or "HEXSPACE"
    parameter END_OF_DATA = "",        // Specify a extra send byte after each tx_data. when ="", do not send this extra byte
    parameter END_OF_PACK = ""         // Specify a extra send byte after each tx_data with tx_last=1. when ="", do not send this extra byte
    input  wire                rstn,
    input  wire                clk,
    // user interface
    input  wire [DWIDTH*8-1:0] tx_data,
    input  wire                tx_last,
    input  wire                tx_en,
    output wire                tx_rdy,
    // uart tx output signal
    output reg                 o_uart_tx

There is a FIFO inside the UART transmitter, which buffers the data that has not yet been sent. So, the way to send data is to write data to the FIFO. The waveform of writing FIFO is shown in Figure1, in which tx_en and tx_rdy constitute a pair of handshake signals. In this figure, it continuously writes 5 data elements to the FIFO. During this period, tx_en is set to 1, which represents a continuous write request. When tx_rdy=1 for the first four data, it means that they are successfully written. When the 5th data is sent, tx_rdy=0, it means that the FIFO is full, then tx_en and tx_data will continue to hold until tx_rdy=1, and the 5th data will be successfully written.

Figure1 : waveform of writing data to the FIFO of uart_tx.sv

Other desicriptions for uart_tx.sv :

  • CLK_DIV is the clock division factor, which determines the UART baud rate, UART baud rate = clk frequency / CLK_DIV .
  • PARITY determines the parity type, "NONE" is no parity, "ODD" is an odd parity, and "EVEN" is an even parity.
  • DWIDTH determines how many bytes each data has, that is, the byte width of tx_data, 1 means 1 byte, 2 means 2 bytes...
  • ENDIAN determines the endianness:
    • "LITTLE" means little-endian, which means that the low-order byte in the data is sent first;
    • "BIG" means big-endian, which means that the high byte in the data is sent first.
  • MODE determines the send mode:
    • "RAW" is to send bytes directly;
    • "PRINTABLE" is to send only ASCII printable bytes, skip non-printable bytes;
    • "HEX" is the hexadecimal printing mode, for a byte 0xAB , it will actually be converted into two bytes "A", "B" to send.
    • "HEXSPACE" is the hexadecimal plus space printing mode, for a byte 0xAB , it will actually be converted into three bytes "A", "B", " " to send.
  • END_OF_DATA determines whether to add an extra byte after each data, for example:
    • If let END_OF_DATA="" , no extra byte is sent.
    • You can set END_OF_DATA="\n" , so that a newline is sent every time a data is sent.
  • END_OF_PACK determines whether to add an extra byte after the data with tx_last=1. While entering tx_data, you can set tx_last=1, for example:
    • If let END_OF_PACK="" , no extra byte is sent.
    • You can set END_OF_PACK="E" , so that a "E" is sent after every data with tx_last=1
  • rstn is reset, at the beginning let rstn=0 to reset, then let rstn=1 to release reset.
  • clk is the clock. All signals should be changed or sampled at the rising edge of clk.
  • o_uart_tx is the UART TX signal.

UART Interactive Debugger: debug_uart

The source file of the UART interactive debugger is RTL/debug_uart.sv, which can receive UART commands from the host computer, act bus read and writ actions, and feed the results back to the host computer. It is a powerful tool to debug memories or SoC systems.

debug_uart is defined as follows:

module debug_uart #(
    parameter  UART_CLK_DIV = 434, // UART baud rate = clk freq/UART_CLK_DIV. for example, when clk=50MHz, UART_CLK_DIV=434 , then baud=50MHz/434=115200
    parameter  AWIDTH       = 4,   // address width = 4bytes = 32bits
    parameter  DWIDTH       = 4,   // data width = 4bytes = 32bits
    parameter  WR_TIMEOUT   = 500, // wait for wr_rdy cycles
    parameter  RD_TIMEOUT   = 500, // wait for rd_rdy cycles
    parameter  READ_IMM     = 0    // 0: read after rd_rdy: Capture rd_data in the next clock cycle of rd_rdy=1
                                   // 1: read immediately : Capture rd_data in the clock cycle of rd_rdy=1
    input  wire                rstn,
    input  wire                clk,
    // UART
    input  wire                i_uart_rx,
    output reg                 o_uart_tx,
    // bus write interface
    output reg                 wr_en,
    input  wire                wr_rdy,
    output reg  [AWIDTH*8-1:0] wr_addr,
    output reg  [DWIDTH*8-1:0] wr_data,
    // bus read  interface
    output reg                 rd_en,
    input  wire                rd_rdy,
    output reg  [AWIDTH*8-1:0] rd_addr,
    input  wire [DWIDTH*8-1:0] rd_data

The usage of debug_uart is:

  • Send addr\n to it via UART to start a read action on the bus read interface. For example, sending 12\n can start a read action with rd_addr=0x12.
  • Send addr data\n to it via UART to start a write action on the bus write interface. For example, sending 12 deadbeef\n can start a write action with rd_addr=0x12, writing data wr_data=0xdeadbeef.

The waveforms of read action and write action are shown in the Figure2 . Note that the READ_IMM parameter determines the moment at which rd_data is sampled of the read action.

Figure2 : write action (left), read action with READ_IMM=1 (middle), and read action with READ_IMM=0 (right).

RTL Simulation

Simulation related files are in the SIM folder, where:

Before using iverilog for simulation, you need to install iverilog , see: iverilog_usage

Then double-click tb_uart_tx_uart_rx_run_iverilog.bat or tb_debug_uart_run_iverilog.bat to run the simulation, and then you can open the generated dump.vcd file to view the waveform.



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