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Redis for Windows / Redis for Windows

2024-05-19 16:04
583 mokecc 1578913829 主编

Upgrade urgency MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent.

Bug fixes

Bug fixes in CLI tools


Algorithm : SHA256
Hash : BE71A03D60D5719BACDAD068EBBF22B17C6E7A125BE42576A799406B2D058CA9
Path : D:\a\redis-windows\redis-windows\Redis-7.2.5-Windows-x64-msys2.zip

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash : 2FD630B61624FED5FA21A9291783517025C0C8B21C9D1833B1EE1C74240F6AF8
Path : D:\a\redis-windows\redis-windows\Redis-7.2.5-Windows-x64-msys2-with-Service.zip

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash : 749205C2D3C23C9E16874FAEE335677567C1A13D5B6B8D7A01B8E7789CCF6055
Path : D:\a\redis-windows\redis-windows\Redis-7.2.5-Windows-x64-cygwin.zip

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash : 19F98B38EB053092334653475C4DFBCAA4548D3FA95FAEDAB25CFABAD3372BE4
Path : D:\a\redis-windows\redis-windows\Redis-7.2.5-Windows-x64-cygwin-with-Service.zip

From workflow: https://github.com/redis-windows/redis-windows/actions/runs/9144226566

最后提交信息为: update redis latest version
2024-03-22 14:05
583 mokecc 1578913829 主编

Upgrade urgency SECURITY: See security fixes below.

Security fixes

  • (CVE-2023-41056) In some cases, Redis may incorrectly handle resizing of memory
    buffers which can result in incorrect accounting of buffer sizes and lead to
    heap overflow and potential remote code execution.

Bug fixes


Algorithm : SHA256
Hash : A4C0CA3D7F91559A9CF8DB3AE86AEB5362F67D91968109C317DC3E858FF87F82
Path : D:\a\redis-windows\redis-windows\Redis-7.2.4-Windows-x64-msys2.zip

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash : 66E02F92B3A4DE5FC7259961C5D6559FF2F72EC068666B41DFF66C6733E34689
Path : D:\a\redis-windows\redis-windows\Redis-7.2.4-Windows-x64-msys2-with-Service.zip

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash : 6954AC560C66EB801F78A3FDEA0EBBD11D21A17586CC1925DC57B585617500EE
Path : D:\a\redis-windows\redis-windows\Redis-7.2.4-Windows-x64-cygwin.zip

Algorithm : SHA256
Hash : 2ED45B20FC70005B9E806A85132F210E58971A8719639DABA8F742890ED2FE32
Path : D:\a\redis-windows\redis-windows\Redis-7.2.4-Windows-x64-cygwin-with-Service.zip

From workflow: https://github.com/redis-windows/redis-windows/actions/runs/8357660844

最后提交信息为: Update ci-diy.yml
2023-02-01 14:52
583 mokecc 1578913829 主编

Upgrade urgency: SECURITY, contains fixes to security issues.

Security Fixes:

  • (CVE-2022-35977) Integer overflow in the Redis SETRANGE and SORT/SORT_RO
    commands can drive Redis to OOM panic
  • (CVE-2023-22458) Integer overflow in the Redis HRANDFIELD and ZRANDMEMBER
    commands can lead to denial-of-service

Bug Fixes

最后提交信息为: update redis latest version
2023-02-01 14:51
583 mokecc 1578913829 主编

Upgrade urgency: MODERATE, a quick followup fix for a recently released 6.2.9.

Bug Fixes

最后提交信息为: Update ci-diy.yml
2023-02-01 14:50
583 mokecc 1578913829 主编

Upgrade urgency: SECURITY, contains fixes to security issues.

Security Fixes:

  • (CVE-2022-35977) Integer overflow in the Redis SETRANGE and SORT/SORT_RO
    commands can drive Redis to OOM panic

Bug Fixes

最后提交信息为: Update ci-diy.yml
Redis for Windows
