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dmtxregion.c 52.02 KB
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* libdmtx - Data Matrix Encoding/Decoding Library
* Copyright 2008, 2009 Mike Laughton. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2012-2016 Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2016 Tim Zaman. All rights reserved.
* See LICENSE file in the main project directory for full
* terms of use and distribution.
* Contact:
* Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov <dmtx@mva.name>
* Mike Laughton <mike@dragonflylogic.com>
* \file dmtxregion.c
* \brief Detect barcode regions
#define DMTX_HOUGH_RES 180
* \brief Create copy of existing region struct
* \param None
* \return Initialized DmtxRegion struct
extern DmtxRegion *
dmtxRegionCreate(DmtxRegion *reg)
DmtxRegion *regCopy;
regCopy = (DmtxRegion *)malloc(sizeof(DmtxRegion));
if(regCopy == NULL)
return NULL;
memcpy(regCopy, reg, sizeof(DmtxRegion));
return regCopy;
* \brief Destroy region struct
* \param reg
* \return void
extern DmtxPassFail
dmtxRegionDestroy(DmtxRegion **reg)
if(reg == NULL || *reg == NULL)
return DmtxFail;
*reg = NULL;
return DmtxPass;
* \brief Find next barcode region
* \param dec Pointer to DmtxDecode information struct
* \param timeout Pointer to timeout time (NULL if none)
* \return Detected region (if found)
extern DmtxRegion *
dmtxRegionFindNext(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxTime *timeout)
int locStatus;
DmtxPixelLoc loc;
DmtxRegion *reg;
/* Continue until we find a region or run out of chances */
for(;;) {
locStatus = PopGridLocation(&(dec->grid), &loc);
if(locStatus == DmtxRangeEnd)
/* Scan location for presence of valid barcode region */
reg = dmtxRegionScanPixel(dec, loc.X, loc.Y);
if(reg != NULL)
return reg;
/* Ran out of time? */
if(timeout != NULL && dmtxTimeExceeded(*timeout))
return NULL;
* \brief Scan individual pixel for presence of barcode edge
* \param dec Pointer to DmtxDecode information struct
* \param loc Pixel location
* \return Detected region (if any)
extern DmtxRegion *
dmtxRegionScanPixel(DmtxDecode *dec, int x, int y)
unsigned char *cache;
DmtxRegion reg;
DmtxPointFlow flowBegin;
DmtxPixelLoc loc;
loc.X = x;
loc.Y = y;
cache = dmtxDecodeGetCache(dec, loc.X, loc.Y);
if(cache == NULL)
return NULL;
if((int)(*cache & 0x80) != 0x00)
return NULL;
/* Test for presence of any reasonable edge at this location */
flowBegin = MatrixRegionSeekEdge(dec, loc);
if(flowBegin.mag < (int)(dec->edgeThresh * 7.65 + 0.5))
return NULL;
memset(&reg, 0x00, sizeof(DmtxRegion));
/* Determine barcode orientation */
if(MatrixRegionOrientation(dec, &reg, flowBegin) == DmtxFail)
return NULL;
if(dmtxRegionUpdateXfrms(dec, &reg) == DmtxFail)
return NULL;
/* Define top edge */
if(MatrixRegionAlignCalibEdge(dec, &reg, DmtxEdgeTop) == DmtxFail)
return NULL;
if(dmtxRegionUpdateXfrms(dec, &reg) == DmtxFail)
return NULL;
/* Define right edge */
if(MatrixRegionAlignCalibEdge(dec, &reg, DmtxEdgeRight) == DmtxFail)
return NULL;
if(dmtxRegionUpdateXfrms(dec, &reg) == DmtxFail)
return NULL;
/* Calculate the best fitting symbol size */
if(MatrixRegionFindSize(dec, &reg) == DmtxFail)
return NULL;
/* Found a valid matrix region */
return dmtxRegionCreate(&reg);
static DmtxPointFlow
MatrixRegionSeekEdge(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxPixelLoc loc)
int i;
int strongIdx;
int channelCount;
DmtxPointFlow flow, flowPlane[3];
DmtxPointFlow flowPos, flowPosBack;
DmtxPointFlow flowNeg, flowNegBack;
channelCount = dec->image->channelCount;
/* Find whether red, green, or blue shows the strongest edge */
strongIdx = 0;
for(i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) {
flowPlane[i] = GetPointFlow(dec, i, loc, dmtxNeighborNone);
if(i > 0 && flowPlane[i].mag > flowPlane[strongIdx].mag)
strongIdx = i;
if(flowPlane[strongIdx].mag < 10)
return dmtxBlankEdge;
flow = flowPlane[strongIdx];
flowPos = FindStrongestNeighbor(dec, flow, +1);
flowNeg = FindStrongestNeighbor(dec, flow, -1);
if(flowPos.mag != 0 && flowNeg.mag != 0) {
flowPosBack = FindStrongestNeighbor(dec, flowPos, -1);
flowNegBack = FindStrongestNeighbor(dec, flowNeg, +1);
if(flowPos.arrive == (flowPosBack.arrive+4)%8 &&
flowNeg.arrive == (flowNegBack.arrive+4)%8) {
flow.arrive = dmtxNeighborNone;
CALLBACK_POINT_PLOT(flow.loc, 1, 1, 1);
return flow;
return dmtxBlankEdge;
static DmtxPassFail
MatrixRegionOrientation(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg, DmtxPointFlow begin)
int cross;
int minArea;
int scale;
int symbolShape;
int maxDiagonal;
DmtxPassFail err;
DmtxBestLine line1x, line2x;
DmtxBestLine line2n, line2p;
DmtxFollow fTmp;
if(dec->sizeIdxExpected == DmtxSymbolSquareAuto ||
(dec->sizeIdxExpected >= DmtxSymbol10x10 &&
dec->sizeIdxExpected <= DmtxSymbol144x144))
symbolShape = DmtxSymbolSquareAuto;
else if(dec->sizeIdxExpected == DmtxSymbolRectAuto ||
(dec->sizeIdxExpected >= DmtxSymbol8x18 &&
dec->sizeIdxExpected <= DmtxSymbol16x48))
symbolShape = DmtxSymbolRectAuto;
symbolShape = DmtxSymbolShapeAuto;
if(dec->edgeMax != DmtxUndefined) {
if(symbolShape == DmtxSymbolRectAuto)
maxDiagonal = (int)(1.23 * dec->edgeMax + 0.5); /* sqrt(5/4) + 10% */
maxDiagonal = (int)(1.56 * dec->edgeMax + 0.5); /* sqrt(2) + 10% */
else {
maxDiagonal = DmtxUndefined;
/* Follow to end in both directions */
err = TrailBlazeContinuous(dec, reg, begin, maxDiagonal);
if(err == DmtxFail || reg->stepsTotal < 40) {
TrailClear(dec, reg, 0x40);
return DmtxFail;
/* Filter out region candidates that are smaller than expected */
if(dec->edgeMin != DmtxUndefined) {
scale = dmtxDecodeGetProp(dec, DmtxPropScale);
if(symbolShape == DmtxSymbolSquareAuto)
minArea = (dec->edgeMin * dec->edgeMin)/(scale * scale);
minArea = (2 * dec->edgeMin * dec->edgeMin)/(scale * scale);
if((reg->boundMax.X - reg->boundMin.X) * (reg->boundMax.Y - reg->boundMin.Y) < minArea) {
TrailClear(dec, reg, 0x40);
return DmtxFail;
line1x = FindBestSolidLine(dec, reg, 0, 0, +1, DmtxUndefined);
if(line1x.mag < 5) {
TrailClear(dec, reg, 0x40);
return DmtxFail;
err = FindTravelLimits(dec, reg, &line1x);
if(line1x.distSq < 100 || line1x.devn * 10 >= sqrt((double)line1x.distSq)) {
TrailClear(dec, reg, 0x40);
return DmtxFail;
assert(line1x.stepPos >= line1x.stepNeg);
fTmp = FollowSeek(dec, reg, line1x.stepPos + 5);
line2p = FindBestSolidLine(dec, reg, fTmp.step, line1x.stepNeg, +1, line1x.angle);
fTmp = FollowSeek(dec, reg, line1x.stepNeg - 5);
line2n = FindBestSolidLine(dec, reg, fTmp.step, line1x.stepPos, -1, line1x.angle);
if(max(line2p.mag, line2n.mag) < 5)
return DmtxFail;
if(line2p.mag > line2n.mag) {
line2x = line2p;
err = FindTravelLimits(dec, reg, &line2x);
if(line2x.distSq < 100 || line2x.devn * 10 >= sqrt((double)line2x.distSq))
return DmtxFail;
cross = ((line1x.locPos.X - line1x.locNeg.X) * (line2x.locPos.Y - line2x.locNeg.Y)) -
((line1x.locPos.Y - line1x.locNeg.Y) * (line2x.locPos.X - line2x.locNeg.X));
if(cross > 0) {
/* Condition 2 */
reg->polarity = +1;
reg->locR = line2x.locPos;
reg->stepR = line2x.stepPos;
reg->locT = line1x.locNeg;
reg->stepT = line1x.stepNeg;
reg->leftLoc = line1x.locBeg;
reg->leftAngle = line1x.angle;
reg->bottomLoc = line2x.locBeg;
reg->bottomAngle = line2x.angle;
reg->leftLine = line1x;
reg->bottomLine = line2x;
else {
/* Condition 3 */
reg->polarity = -1;
reg->locR = line1x.locNeg;
reg->stepR = line1x.stepNeg;
reg->locT = line2x.locPos;
reg->stepT = line2x.stepPos;
reg->leftLoc = line2x.locBeg;
reg->leftAngle = line2x.angle;
reg->bottomLoc = line1x.locBeg;
reg->bottomAngle = line1x.angle;
reg->leftLine = line2x;
reg->bottomLine = line1x;
else {
line2x = line2n;
err = FindTravelLimits(dec, reg, &line2x);
if(line2x.distSq < 100 || line2x.devn / sqrt((double)line2x.distSq) >= 0.1)
return DmtxFail;
cross = ((line1x.locNeg.X - line1x.locPos.X) * (line2x.locNeg.Y - line2x.locPos.Y)) -
((line1x.locNeg.Y - line1x.locPos.Y) * (line2x.locNeg.X - line2x.locPos.X));
if(cross > 0) {
/* Condition 1 */
reg->polarity = -1;
reg->locR = line2x.locNeg;
reg->stepR = line2x.stepNeg;
reg->locT = line1x.locPos;
reg->stepT = line1x.stepPos;
reg->leftLoc = line1x.locBeg;
reg->leftAngle = line1x.angle;
reg->bottomLoc = line2x.locBeg;
reg->bottomAngle = line2x.angle;
reg->leftLine = line1x;
reg->bottomLine = line2x;
else {
/* Condition 4 */
reg->polarity = +1;
reg->locR = line1x.locPos;
reg->stepR = line1x.stepPos;
reg->locT = line2x.locNeg;
reg->stepT = line2x.stepNeg;
reg->leftLoc = line2x.locBeg;
reg->leftAngle = line2x.angle;
reg->bottomLoc = line1x.locBeg;
reg->bottomAngle = line1x.angle;
reg->leftLine = line2x;
reg->bottomLine = line1x;
/* CALLBACK_POINT_PLOT(reg->locR, 2, 1, 1);
CALLBACK_POINT_PLOT(reg->locT, 2, 1, 1); */
reg->leftKnown = reg->bottomKnown = 1;
return DmtxPass;
static long
DistanceSquared(DmtxPixelLoc a, DmtxPixelLoc b)
long xDelta, yDelta;
xDelta = a.X - b.X;
yDelta = a.Y - b.Y;
return (xDelta * xDelta) + (yDelta * yDelta);
extern DmtxPassFail
dmtxRegionUpdateCorners(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg, DmtxVector2 p00,
DmtxVector2 p10, DmtxVector2 p11, DmtxVector2 p01)
double xMax, yMax;
double tx, ty, phi, shx, scx, scy, skx, sky;
double dimOT, dimOR, dimTX, dimRX, ratio;
DmtxVector2 vOT, vOR, vTX, vRX, vTmp;
DmtxMatrix3 m, mtxy, mphi, mshx, mscx, mscy, mscxy, msky, mskx;
xMax = (double)(dmtxDecodeGetProp(dec, DmtxPropWidth) - 1);
yMax = (double)(dmtxDecodeGetProp(dec, DmtxPropHeight) - 1);
if(p00.X < 0.0 || p00.Y < 0.0 || p00.X > xMax || p00.Y > yMax ||
p01.X < 0.0 || p01.Y < 0.0 || p01.X > xMax || p01.Y > yMax ||
p10.X < 0.0 || p10.Y < 0.0 || p10.X > xMax || p10.Y > yMax)
return DmtxFail;
dimOT = dmtxVector2Mag(dmtxVector2Sub(&vOT, &p01, &p00)); /* XXX could use MagSquared() */
dimOR = dmtxVector2Mag(dmtxVector2Sub(&vOR, &p10, &p00));
dimTX = dmtxVector2Mag(dmtxVector2Sub(&vTX, &p11, &p01));
dimRX = dmtxVector2Mag(dmtxVector2Sub(&vRX, &p11, &p10));
/* Verify that sides are reasonably long */
if(dimOT <= 8.0 || dimOR <= 8.0 || dimTX <= 8.0 || dimRX <= 8.0)
return DmtxFail;
/* Verify that the 4 corners define a reasonably fat quadrilateral */
ratio = dimOT / dimRX;
if(ratio <= 0.5 || ratio >= 2.0)
return DmtxFail;
ratio = dimOR / dimTX;
if(ratio <= 0.5 || ratio >= 2.0)
return DmtxFail;
/* Verify this is not a bowtie shape */
if(dmtxVector2Cross(&vOR, &vRX) <= 0.0 ||
dmtxVector2Cross(&vOT, &vTX) >= 0.0)
return DmtxFail;
if(RightAngleTrueness(p00, p10, p11, M_PI_2) <= dec->squareDevn)
return DmtxFail;
if(RightAngleTrueness(p10, p11, p01, M_PI_2) <= dec->squareDevn)
return DmtxFail;
/* Calculate values needed for transformations */
tx = -1 * p00.X;
ty = -1 * p00.Y;
dmtxMatrix3Translate(mtxy, tx, ty);
phi = atan2(vOT.X, vOT.Y);
dmtxMatrix3Rotate(mphi, phi);
dmtxMatrix3Multiply(m, mtxy, mphi);
dmtxMatrix3VMultiply(&vTmp, &p10, m);
shx = -vTmp.Y / vTmp.X;
dmtxMatrix3Shear(mshx, 0.0, shx);
dmtxMatrix3MultiplyBy(m, mshx);
scx = 1.0/vTmp.X;
dmtxMatrix3Scale(mscx, scx, 1.0);
dmtxMatrix3MultiplyBy(m, mscx);
dmtxMatrix3VMultiply(&vTmp, &p11, m);
scy = 1.0/vTmp.Y;
dmtxMatrix3Scale(mscy, 1.0, scy);
dmtxMatrix3MultiplyBy(m, mscy);
dmtxMatrix3VMultiply(&vTmp, &p11, m);
skx = vTmp.X;
dmtxMatrix3LineSkewSide(mskx, 1.0, skx, 1.0);
dmtxMatrix3MultiplyBy(m, mskx);
dmtxMatrix3VMultiply(&vTmp, &p01, m);
sky = vTmp.Y;
dmtxMatrix3LineSkewTop(msky, sky, 1.0, 1.0);
dmtxMatrix3Multiply(reg->raw2fit, m, msky);
/* Create inverse matrix by reverse (avoid straight matrix inversion) */
dmtxMatrix3LineSkewTopInv(msky, sky, 1.0, 1.0);
dmtxMatrix3LineSkewSideInv(mskx, 1.0, skx, 1.0);
dmtxMatrix3Multiply(m, msky, mskx);
dmtxMatrix3Scale(mscxy, 1.0/scx, 1.0/scy);
dmtxMatrix3MultiplyBy(m, mscxy);
dmtxMatrix3Shear(mshx, 0.0, -shx);
dmtxMatrix3MultiplyBy(m, mshx);
dmtxMatrix3Rotate(mphi, -phi);
dmtxMatrix3MultiplyBy(m, mphi);
dmtxMatrix3Translate(mtxy, -tx, -ty);
dmtxMatrix3Multiply(reg->fit2raw, m, mtxy);
return DmtxPass;
extern DmtxPassFail
dmtxRegionUpdateXfrms(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg)
double radians;
DmtxRay2 rLeft, rBottom, rTop, rRight;
DmtxVector2 p00, p10, p11, p01;
assert(reg->leftKnown != 0 && reg->bottomKnown != 0);
/* Build ray representing left edge */
rLeft.p.X = (double)reg->leftLoc.X;
rLeft.p.Y = (double)reg->leftLoc.Y;
radians = reg->leftAngle * (M_PI/DMTX_HOUGH_RES);
rLeft.v.X = cos(radians);
rLeft.v.Y = sin(radians);
rLeft.tMin = 0.0;
rLeft.tMax = dmtxVector2Norm(&rLeft.v);
/* Build ray representing bottom edge */
rBottom.p.X = (double)reg->bottomLoc.X;
rBottom.p.Y = (double)reg->bottomLoc.Y;
radians = reg->bottomAngle * (M_PI/DMTX_HOUGH_RES);
rBottom.v.X = cos(radians);
rBottom.v.Y = sin(radians);
rBottom.tMin = 0.0;
rBottom.tMax = dmtxVector2Norm(&rBottom.v);
/* Build ray representing top edge */
if(reg->topKnown != 0) {
rTop.p.X = (double)reg->topLoc.X;
rTop.p.Y = (double)reg->topLoc.Y;
radians = reg->topAngle * (M_PI/DMTX_HOUGH_RES);
rTop.v.X = cos(radians);
rTop.v.Y = sin(radians);
rTop.tMin = 0.0;
rTop.tMax = dmtxVector2Norm(&rTop.v);
else {
rTop.p.X = (double)reg->locT.X;
rTop.p.Y = (double)reg->locT.Y;
radians = reg->bottomAngle * (M_PI/DMTX_HOUGH_RES);
rTop.v.X = cos(radians);
rTop.v.Y = sin(radians);
rTop.tMin = 0.0;
rTop.tMax = rBottom.tMax;
/* Build ray representing right edge */
if(reg->rightKnown != 0) {
rRight.p.X = (double)reg->rightLoc.X;
rRight.p.Y = (double)reg->rightLoc.Y;
radians = reg->rightAngle * (M_PI/DMTX_HOUGH_RES);
rRight.v.X = cos(radians);
rRight.v.Y = sin(radians);
rRight.tMin = 0.0;
rRight.tMax = dmtxVector2Norm(&rRight.v);
else {
rRight.p.X = (double)reg->locR.X;
rRight.p.Y = (double)reg->locR.Y;
radians = reg->leftAngle * (M_PI/DMTX_HOUGH_RES);
rRight.v.X = cos(radians);
rRight.v.Y = sin(radians);
rRight.tMin = 0.0;
rRight.tMax = rLeft.tMax;
/* Calculate 4 corners, real or imagined */
if(dmtxRay2Intersect(&p00, &rLeft, &rBottom) == DmtxFail)
return DmtxFail;
if(dmtxRay2Intersect(&p10, &rBottom, &rRight) == DmtxFail)
return DmtxFail;
if(dmtxRay2Intersect(&p11, &rRight, &rTop) == DmtxFail)
return DmtxFail;
if(dmtxRay2Intersect(&p01, &rTop, &rLeft) == DmtxFail)
return DmtxFail;
if(dmtxRegionUpdateCorners(dec, reg, p00, p10, p11, p01) != DmtxPass)
return DmtxFail;
return DmtxPass;
static double
RightAngleTrueness(DmtxVector2 c0, DmtxVector2 c1, DmtxVector2 c2, double angle)
DmtxVector2 vA, vB;
DmtxMatrix3 m;
dmtxVector2Norm(dmtxVector2Sub(&vA, &c0, &c1));
dmtxVector2Norm(dmtxVector2Sub(&vB, &c2, &c1));
dmtxMatrix3Rotate(m, angle);
dmtxMatrix3VMultiplyBy(&vB, m);
return dmtxVector2Dot(&vA, &vB);
* \brief Read color of Data Matrix module location
* \param dec
* \param reg
* \param symbolRow
* \param symbolCol
* \param sizeIdx
* \return Averaged module color
static int
ReadModuleColor(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg, int symbolRow, int symbolCol,
int sizeIdx, int colorPlane)
int i;
int symbolRows, symbolCols;
int color, colorTmp;
double sampleX[] = { 0.5, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.5 };
double sampleY[] = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 };
DmtxVector2 p;
symbolRows = dmtxGetSymbolAttribute(DmtxSymAttribSymbolRows, sizeIdx);
symbolCols = dmtxGetSymbolAttribute(DmtxSymAttribSymbolCols, sizeIdx);
color = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
p.X = (1.0/symbolCols) * (symbolCol + sampleX[i]);
p.Y = (1.0/symbolRows) * (symbolRow + sampleY[i]);
dmtxMatrix3VMultiplyBy(&p, reg->fit2raw);
//fprintf(stdout, "%dx%d\n", (int)(p.X + 0.5), (int)(p.Y + 0.5));
dmtxDecodeGetPixelValue(dec, (int)(p.X + 0.5), (int)(p.Y + 0.5),
colorPlane, &colorTmp);
color += colorTmp;
//fprintf(stdout, "\n");
return color/5;
* \brief Determine barcode size, expressed in modules
* \param image
* \param reg
* \return DmtxPass | DmtxFail
static DmtxPassFail
MatrixRegionFindSize(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg)
int row, col;
int sizeIdxBeg, sizeIdxEnd;
int sizeIdx, bestSizeIdx;
int symbolRows, symbolCols;
int jumpCount, errors;
int color;
int colorOnAvg, bestColorOnAvg;
int colorOffAvg, bestColorOffAvg;
int contrast, bestContrast;
// DmtxImage *img;
// img = dec->image;
bestSizeIdx = DmtxUndefined;
bestContrast = 0;
bestColorOnAvg = bestColorOffAvg = 0;
if(dec->sizeIdxExpected == DmtxSymbolShapeAuto) {
sizeIdxBeg = 0;
sizeIdxEnd = DmtxSymbolSquareCount + DmtxSymbolRectCount;
else if(dec->sizeIdxExpected == DmtxSymbolSquareAuto) {
sizeIdxBeg = 0;
sizeIdxEnd = DmtxSymbolSquareCount;
else if(dec->sizeIdxExpected == DmtxSymbolRectAuto) {
sizeIdxBeg = DmtxSymbolSquareCount;
sizeIdxEnd = DmtxSymbolSquareCount + DmtxSymbolRectCount;
else {
sizeIdxBeg = dec->sizeIdxExpected;
sizeIdxEnd = dec->sizeIdxExpected + 1;
/* Test each barcode size to find best contrast in calibration modules */
for(sizeIdx = sizeIdxBeg; sizeIdx < sizeIdxEnd; sizeIdx++) {
symbolRows = dmtxGetSymbolAttribute(DmtxSymAttribSymbolRows, sizeIdx);
symbolCols = dmtxGetSymbolAttribute(DmtxSymAttribSymbolCols, sizeIdx);
colorOnAvg = colorOffAvg = 0;
/* Sum module colors along horizontal calibration bar */
row = symbolRows - 1;
for(col = 0; col < symbolCols; col++) {
color = ReadModuleColor(dec, reg, row, col, sizeIdx, reg->flowBegin.plane);
if((col & 0x01) != 0x00)
colorOffAvg += color;
colorOnAvg += color;
/* Sum module colors along vertical calibration bar */
col = symbolCols - 1;
for(row = 0; row < symbolRows; row++) {
color = ReadModuleColor(dec, reg, row, col, sizeIdx, reg->flowBegin.plane);
if((row & 0x01) != 0x00)
colorOffAvg += color;
colorOnAvg += color;
colorOnAvg = (colorOnAvg * 2)/(symbolRows + symbolCols);
colorOffAvg = (colorOffAvg * 2)/(symbolRows + symbolCols);
contrast = abs(colorOnAvg - colorOffAvg);
if(contrast < 20)
if(contrast > bestContrast) {
bestContrast = contrast;
bestSizeIdx = sizeIdx;
bestColorOnAvg = colorOnAvg;
bestColorOffAvg = colorOffAvg;
/* If no sizes produced acceptable contrast then call it quits */
if(bestSizeIdx == DmtxUndefined || bestContrast < 20)
return DmtxFail;
reg->sizeIdx = bestSizeIdx;
reg->onColor = bestColorOnAvg;
reg->offColor = bestColorOffAvg;
reg->symbolRows = dmtxGetSymbolAttribute(DmtxSymAttribSymbolRows, reg->sizeIdx);
reg->symbolCols = dmtxGetSymbolAttribute(DmtxSymAttribSymbolCols, reg->sizeIdx);
reg->mappingRows = dmtxGetSymbolAttribute(DmtxSymAttribMappingMatrixRows, reg->sizeIdx);
reg->mappingCols = dmtxGetSymbolAttribute(DmtxSymAttribMappingMatrixCols, reg->sizeIdx);
/* Tally jumps on horizontal calibration bar to verify sizeIdx */
jumpCount = CountJumpTally(dec, reg, 0, reg->symbolRows - 1, DmtxDirRight);
errors = abs(1 + jumpCount - reg->symbolCols);
if(jumpCount < 0 || errors > 2)
return DmtxFail;
/* Tally jumps on vertical calibration bar to verify sizeIdx */
jumpCount = CountJumpTally(dec, reg, reg->symbolCols - 1, 0, DmtxDirUp);
errors = abs(1 + jumpCount - reg->symbolRows);
if(jumpCount < 0 || errors > 2)
return DmtxFail;
/* Tally jumps on horizontal finder bar to verify sizeIdx */
errors = CountJumpTally(dec, reg, 0, 0, DmtxDirRight);
if(jumpCount < 0 || errors > 2)
return DmtxFail;
/* Tally jumps on vertical finder bar to verify sizeIdx */
errors = CountJumpTally(dec, reg, 0, 0, DmtxDirUp);
if(errors < 0 || errors > 2)
return DmtxFail;
/* Tally jumps on surrounding whitespace, else fail */
errors = CountJumpTally(dec, reg, 0, -1, DmtxDirRight);
if(errors < 0 || errors > 2)
return DmtxFail;
errors = CountJumpTally(dec, reg, -1, 0, DmtxDirUp);
if(errors < 0 || errors > 2)
return DmtxFail;
errors = CountJumpTally(dec, reg, 0, reg->symbolRows, DmtxDirRight);
if(errors < 0 || errors > 2)
return DmtxFail;
errors = CountJumpTally(dec, reg, reg->symbolCols, 0, DmtxDirUp);
if(errors < 0 || errors > 2)
return DmtxFail;
return DmtxPass;
* \brief Count the number of number of transitions between light and dark
* \param img
* \param reg
* \param xStart
* \param yStart
* \param dir
* \return Jump count
static int
CountJumpTally(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg, int xStart, int yStart, DmtxDirection dir)
int x, xInc = 0;
int y, yInc = 0;
int state = DmtxModuleOn;
int jumpCount = 0;
int jumpThreshold;
int tModule, tPrev;
int darkOnLight;
int color;
assert(xStart == 0 || yStart == 0);
assert(dir == DmtxDirRight || dir == DmtxDirUp);
if(dir == DmtxDirRight)
xInc = 1;
yInc = 1;
if(xStart == -1 || xStart == reg->symbolCols ||
yStart == -1 || yStart == reg->symbolRows)
state = DmtxModuleOff;
darkOnLight = (int)(reg->offColor > reg->onColor);
jumpThreshold = abs((int)(0.4 * (reg->onColor - reg->offColor) + 0.5));
color = ReadModuleColor(dec, reg, yStart, xStart, reg->sizeIdx, reg->flowBegin.plane);
tModule = (darkOnLight) ? reg->offColor - color : color - reg->offColor;
for(x = xStart + xInc, y = yStart + yInc;
(dir == DmtxDirRight && x < reg->symbolCols) ||
(dir == DmtxDirUp && y < reg->symbolRows);
x += xInc, y += yInc) {
tPrev = tModule;
color = ReadModuleColor(dec, reg, y, x, reg->sizeIdx, reg->flowBegin.plane);
tModule = (darkOnLight) ? reg->offColor - color : color - reg->offColor;
if(state == DmtxModuleOff) {
if(tModule > tPrev + jumpThreshold) {
state = DmtxModuleOn;
else {
if(tModule < tPrev - jumpThreshold) {
state = DmtxModuleOff;
return jumpCount;
static DmtxPointFlow
GetPointFlow(DmtxDecode *dec, int colorPlane, DmtxPixelLoc loc, int arrive)
static const int coefficient[] = { 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -1 };
int err;
int patternIdx, coefficientIdx;
int compass, compassMax;
int mag[4] = { 0 };
int xAdjust, yAdjust;
int color, colorPattern[8];
DmtxPointFlow flow;
for(patternIdx = 0; patternIdx < 8; patternIdx++) {
xAdjust = loc.X + dmtxPatternX[patternIdx];
yAdjust = loc.Y + dmtxPatternY[patternIdx];
err = dmtxDecodeGetPixelValue(dec, xAdjust, yAdjust, colorPlane,
if(err == DmtxFail)
return dmtxBlankEdge;
/* Calculate this pixel's flow intensity for each direction (-45, 0, 45, 90) */
compassMax = 0;
for(compass = 0; compass < 4; compass++) {
/* Add portion from each position in the convolution matrix pattern */
for(patternIdx = 0; patternIdx < 8; patternIdx++) {
coefficientIdx = (patternIdx - compass + 8) % 8;
if(coefficient[coefficientIdx] == 0)
color = colorPattern[patternIdx];
switch(coefficient[coefficientIdx]) {
case 2:
mag[compass] += color;
/* Fall through */
case 1:
mag[compass] += color;
case -2:
mag[compass] -= color;
/* Fall through */
case -1:
mag[compass] -= color;
/* Identify strongest compass flow */
if(compass != 0 && abs(mag[compass]) > abs(mag[compassMax]))
compassMax = compass;
/* Convert signed compass direction into unique flow directions (0-7) */
flow.plane = colorPlane;
flow.arrive = arrive;
flow.depart = (mag[compassMax] > 0) ? compassMax + 4 : compassMax;
flow.mag = abs(mag[compassMax]);
flow.loc = loc;
return flow;
static DmtxPointFlow
FindStrongestNeighbor(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxPointFlow center, int sign)
int i;
int strongIdx;
int attempt, attemptDiff;
int occupied;
unsigned char *cache;
DmtxPixelLoc loc;
DmtxPointFlow flow[8];
attempt = (sign < 0) ? center.depart : (center.depart+4)%8;
occupied = 0;
strongIdx = DmtxUndefined;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
loc.X = center.loc.X + dmtxPatternX[i];
loc.Y = center.loc.Y + dmtxPatternY[i];
cache = dmtxDecodeGetCache(dec, loc.X, loc.Y);
if(cache == NULL)
if((int)(*cache & 0x80) != 0x00) {
if(++occupied > 2)
return dmtxBlankEdge;
attemptDiff = abs(attempt - i);
if(attemptDiff > 4)
attemptDiff = 8 - attemptDiff;
if(attemptDiff > 1)
flow[i] = GetPointFlow(dec, center.plane, loc, i);
if(strongIdx == DmtxUndefined || flow[i].mag > flow[strongIdx].mag ||
(flow[i].mag == flow[strongIdx].mag && ((i & 0x01) != 0))) {
strongIdx = i;
return (strongIdx == DmtxUndefined) ? dmtxBlankEdge : flow[strongIdx];
static DmtxFollow
FollowSeek(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg, int seek)
int i;
int sign;
DmtxFollow follow;
follow.loc = reg->flowBegin.loc;
follow.step = 0;
follow.ptr = dmtxDecodeGetCache(dec, follow.loc.X, follow.loc.Y);
assert(follow.ptr != NULL);
follow.neighbor = *follow.ptr;
sign = (seek > 0) ? +1 : -1;
for(i = 0; i != seek; i += sign) {
follow = FollowStep(dec, reg, follow, sign);
assert(follow.ptr != NULL);
assert(abs(follow.step) <= reg->stepsTotal);
return follow;
static DmtxFollow
FollowSeekLoc(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxPixelLoc loc)
DmtxFollow follow;
follow.loc = loc;
follow.step = 0;
follow.ptr = dmtxDecodeGetCache(dec, follow.loc.X, follow.loc.Y);
assert(follow.ptr != NULL);
follow.neighbor = *follow.ptr;
return follow;
static DmtxFollow
FollowStep(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg, DmtxFollow followBeg, int sign)
int patternIdx;
int stepMod;
int factor;
DmtxFollow follow;
assert(abs(sign) == 1);
assert((int)(followBeg.neighbor & 0x40) != 0x00);
factor = reg->stepsTotal + 1;
if(sign > 0)
stepMod = (factor + (followBeg.step % factor)) % factor;
stepMod = (factor - (followBeg.step % factor)) % factor;
/* End of positive trail -- magic jump */
if(sign > 0 && stepMod == reg->jumpToNeg) {
follow.loc = reg->finalNeg;
/* End of negative trail -- magic jump */
else if(sign < 0 && stepMod == reg->jumpToPos) {
follow.loc = reg->finalPos;
/* Trail in progress -- normal jump */
else {
patternIdx = (sign < 0) ? followBeg.neighbor & 0x07 : ((followBeg.neighbor & 0x38) >> 3);
follow.loc.X = followBeg.loc.X + dmtxPatternX[patternIdx];
follow.loc.Y = followBeg.loc.Y + dmtxPatternY[patternIdx];
follow.step = followBeg.step + sign;
follow.ptr = dmtxDecodeGetCache(dec, follow.loc.X, follow.loc.Y);
assert(follow.ptr != NULL);
follow.neighbor = *follow.ptr;
return follow;
static DmtxFollow
FollowStep2(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxFollow followBeg, int sign)
int patternIdx;
DmtxFollow follow;
assert(abs(sign) == 1);
assert((int)(followBeg.neighbor & 0x40) != 0x00);
patternIdx = (sign < 0) ? followBeg.neighbor & 0x07 : ((followBeg.neighbor & 0x38) >> 3);
follow.loc.X = followBeg.loc.X + dmtxPatternX[patternIdx];
follow.loc.Y = followBeg.loc.Y + dmtxPatternY[patternIdx];
follow.step = followBeg.step + sign;
follow.ptr = dmtxDecodeGetCache(dec, follow.loc.X, follow.loc.Y);
assert(follow.ptr != NULL);
follow.neighbor = *follow.ptr;
return follow;
* vaiiiooo
* --------
* 0x80 v = visited bit
* 0x40 a = assigned bit
* 0x38 u = 3 bits points upstream 0-7
* 0x07 d = 3 bits points downstream 0-7
static DmtxPassFail
TrailBlazeContinuous(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg, DmtxPointFlow flowBegin, int maxDiagonal)
int posAssigns, negAssigns, clears;
int sign;
int steps;
unsigned char *cache, *cacheNext, *cacheBeg;
DmtxPointFlow flow, flowNext;
DmtxPixelLoc boundMin, boundMax;
boundMin = boundMax = flowBegin.loc;
cacheBeg = dmtxDecodeGetCache(dec, flowBegin.loc.X, flowBegin.loc.Y);
if(cacheBeg == NULL)
return DmtxFail;
*cacheBeg = (0x80 | 0x40); /* Mark location as visited and assigned */
reg->flowBegin = flowBegin;
posAssigns = negAssigns = 0;
for(sign = 1; sign >= -1; sign -= 2) {
flow = flowBegin;
cache = cacheBeg;
for(steps = 0; ; steps++) {
if(maxDiagonal != DmtxUndefined && (boundMax.X - boundMin.X > maxDiagonal ||
boundMax.Y - boundMin.Y > maxDiagonal))
/* Find the strongest eligible neighbor */
flowNext = FindStrongestNeighbor(dec, flow, sign);
if(flowNext.mag < 50)
/* Get the neighbor's cache location */
cacheNext = dmtxDecodeGetCache(dec, flowNext.loc.X, flowNext.loc.Y);
if(cacheNext == NULL)
assert(!(*cacheNext & 0x80));
/* Mark departure from current location. If flowing downstream
* (sign < 0) then departure vector here is the arrival vector
* of the next location. Upstream flow uses the opposite rule. */
*cache |= (sign < 0) ? flowNext.arrive : flowNext.arrive << 3;
/* Mark known direction for next location */
/* If testing downstream (sign < 0) then next upstream is opposite of next arrival */
/* If testing upstream (sign > 0) then next downstream is opposite of next arrival */
*cacheNext = (sign < 0) ? (((flowNext.arrive + 4)%8) << 3) : ((flowNext.arrive + 4)%8);
*cacheNext |= (0x80 | 0x40); /* Mark location as visited and assigned */
if(sign > 0)
cache = cacheNext;
flow = flowNext;
if(flow.loc.X > boundMax.X)
boundMax.X = flow.loc.X;
else if(flow.loc.X < boundMin.X)
boundMin.X = flow.loc.X;
if(flow.loc.Y > boundMax.Y)
boundMax.Y = flow.loc.Y;
else if(flow.loc.Y < boundMin.Y)
boundMin.Y = flow.loc.Y;
/* CALLBACK_POINT_PLOT(flow.loc, (sign > 0) ? 2 : 3, 1, 2); */
if(sign > 0) {
reg->finalPos = flow.loc;
reg->jumpToNeg = steps;
else {
reg->finalNeg = flow.loc;
reg->jumpToPos = steps;
reg->stepsTotal = reg->jumpToPos + reg->jumpToNeg;
reg->boundMin = boundMin;
reg->boundMax = boundMax;
/* Clear "visited" bit from trail */
clears = TrailClear(dec, reg, 0x80);
assert(posAssigns + negAssigns == clears - 1);
/* XXX clean this up ... redundant test above */
if(maxDiagonal != DmtxUndefined && (boundMax.X - boundMin.X > maxDiagonal ||
boundMax.Y - boundMin.Y > maxDiagonal))
return DmtxFail;
return DmtxPass;
* recives bresline, and follows strongest neighbor unless it involves
* ratcheting bresline inward or backward (although back + outward is allowed).
static int
TrailBlazeGapped(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg, DmtxBresLine line, int streamDir)
unsigned char *beforeCache, *afterCache;
DmtxBoolean onEdge;
int distSq, distSqMax;
int travel, outward;
int xDiff, yDiff;
int steps;
int stepDir, dirMap[] = { 0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 3, 6, 5, 4 };
DmtxPassFail err;
DmtxPixelLoc beforeStep, afterStep;
DmtxPointFlow flow, flowNext;
DmtxPixelLoc loc0;
int xStep, yStep;
loc0 = line.loc;
flow = GetPointFlow(dec, reg->flowBegin.plane, loc0, dmtxNeighborNone);
distSqMax = (line.xDelta * line.xDelta) + (line.yDelta * line.yDelta);
steps = 0;
onEdge = DmtxTrue;
beforeStep = loc0;
beforeCache = dmtxDecodeGetCache(dec, loc0.X, loc0.Y);
if(beforeCache == NULL)
return DmtxFail;
*beforeCache = 0x00; /* probably should just overwrite one direction */
do {
if(onEdge == DmtxTrue) {
flowNext = FindStrongestNeighbor(dec, flow, streamDir);
if(flowNext.mag == DmtxUndefined)
err = BresLineGetStep(line, flowNext.loc, &travel, &outward);
if (err == DmtxFail) { return DmtxFail; }
if(flowNext.mag < 50 || outward < 0 || (outward == 0 && travel < 0)) {
onEdge = DmtxFalse;
else {
BresLineStep(&line, travel, outward);
flow = flowNext;
if(onEdge == DmtxFalse) {
BresLineStep(&line, 1, 0);
flow = GetPointFlow(dec, reg->flowBegin.plane, line.loc, dmtxNeighborNone);
if(flow.mag > 50)
onEdge = DmtxTrue;
afterStep = line.loc;
afterCache = dmtxDecodeGetCache(dec, afterStep.X, afterStep.Y);
if(afterCache == NULL)
/* Determine step direction using pure magic */
xStep = afterStep.X - beforeStep.X;
yStep = afterStep.Y - beforeStep.Y;
assert(abs(xStep) <= 1 && abs(yStep) <= 1);
stepDir = dirMap[3 * yStep + xStep + 4];
assert(stepDir != 8);
if(streamDir < 0) {
*beforeCache |= (0x40 | stepDir);
*afterCache = (((stepDir + 4)%8) << 3);
else {
*beforeCache |= (0x40 | (stepDir << 3));
*afterCache = ((stepDir + 4)%8);
/* Guaranteed to have taken one step since top of loop */
xDiff = line.loc.X - loc0.X;
yDiff = line.loc.Y - loc0.Y;
distSq = (xDiff * xDiff) + (yDiff * yDiff);
beforeStep = line.loc;
beforeCache = afterCache;
} while(distSq < distSqMax);
return steps;
static int
TrailClear(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg, int clearMask)
int clears;
DmtxFollow follow;
assert((clearMask | 0xff) == 0xff);
/* Clear "visited" bit from trail */
clears = 0;
follow = FollowSeek(dec, reg, 0);
while(abs(follow.step) <= reg->stepsTotal) {
assert((int)(*follow.ptr & clearMask) != 0x00);
*follow.ptr &= (clearMask ^ 0xff);
follow = FollowStep(dec, reg, follow, +1);
return clears;
static DmtxBestLine
FindBestSolidLine(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg, int step0, int step1, int streamDir, int houghAvoid)
int hough[3][DMTX_HOUGH_RES] = { { 0 } };
int houghMin, houghMax;
char houghTest[DMTX_HOUGH_RES];
int i;
int step;
int sign;
int tripSteps;
int angleBest;
int hOffset, hOffsetBest;
int xDiff, yDiff;
int dH;
DmtxRay2 rH;
DmtxFollow follow;
DmtxBestLine line;
DmtxPixelLoc rHp;
memset(&line, 0x00, sizeof(DmtxBestLine));
memset(&rH, 0x00, sizeof(DmtxRay2));
angleBest = 0;
hOffset = hOffsetBest = 0;
sign = 0;
/* Always follow path flowing away from the trail start */
if(step0 != 0) {
if(step0 > 0) {
sign = +1;
tripSteps = (step1 - step0 + reg->stepsTotal) % reg->stepsTotal;
else {
sign = -1;
tripSteps = (step0 - step1 + reg->stepsTotal) % reg->stepsTotal;
if(tripSteps == 0)
tripSteps = reg->stepsTotal;
else if(step1 != 0) {
sign = (step1 > 0) ? +1 : -1;
tripSteps = abs(step1);
else if(step1 == 0) {
sign = +1;
tripSteps = reg->stepsTotal;
assert(sign == streamDir);
follow = FollowSeek(dec, reg, step0);
rHp = follow.loc;
line.stepBeg = line.stepPos = line.stepNeg = step0;
line.locBeg = follow.loc;
line.locPos = follow.loc;
line.locNeg = follow.loc;
/* Predetermine which angles to test */
for(i = 0; i < DMTX_HOUGH_RES; i++) {
if(houghAvoid == DmtxUndefined) {
houghTest[i] = 1;
else {
houghMin = (houghAvoid + DMTX_HOUGH_RES/6) % DMTX_HOUGH_RES;
houghMax = (houghAvoid - DMTX_HOUGH_RES/6 + DMTX_HOUGH_RES) % DMTX_HOUGH_RES;
if(houghMin > houghMax)
houghTest[i] = (i > houghMin || i < houghMax) ? 1 : 0;
houghTest[i] = (i > houghMin && i < houghMax) ? 1 : 0;
/* Test each angle for steps along path */
for(step = 0; step < tripSteps; step++) {
xDiff = follow.loc.X - rHp.X;
yDiff = follow.loc.Y - rHp.Y;
/* Increment Hough accumulator */
for(i = 0; i < DMTX_HOUGH_RES; i++) {
if((int)houghTest[i] == 0)
dH = (rHvX[i] * yDiff) - (rHvY[i] * xDiff);
if(dH >= -384 && dH <= 384) {
if(dH > 128)
hOffset = 2;
else if(dH >= -128)
hOffset = 1;
hOffset = 0;
/* New angle takes over lead */
if(hough[hOffset][i] > hough[hOffsetBest][angleBest]) {
angleBest = i;
hOffsetBest = hOffset;
/* CALLBACK_POINT_PLOT(follow.loc, (sign > 1) ? 4 : 3, 1, 2); */
follow = FollowStep(dec, reg, follow, sign);
line.angle = angleBest;
line.hOffset = hOffsetBest;
line.mag = hough[hOffsetBest][angleBest];
return line;
static DmtxBestLine
FindBestSolidLine2(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxPixelLoc loc0, int tripSteps, int sign, int houghAvoid)
int hough[3][DMTX_HOUGH_RES] = { { 0 } };
int houghMin, houghMax;
char houghTest[DMTX_HOUGH_RES];
int i;
int step;
int angleBest;
int hOffset, hOffsetBest;
int xDiff, yDiff;
int dH;
DmtxRay2 rH;
DmtxBestLine line;
DmtxPixelLoc rHp;
DmtxFollow follow;
memset(&line, 0x00, sizeof(DmtxBestLine));
memset(&rH, 0x00, sizeof(DmtxRay2));
angleBest = 0;
hOffset = hOffsetBest = 0;
follow = FollowSeekLoc(dec, loc0);
rHp = line.locBeg = line.locPos = line.locNeg = follow.loc;
line.stepBeg = line.stepPos = line.stepNeg = 0;
/* Predetermine which angles to test */
for(i = 0; i < DMTX_HOUGH_RES; i++) {
if(houghAvoid == DmtxUndefined) {
houghTest[i] = 1;
else {
houghMin = (houghAvoid + DMTX_HOUGH_RES/6) % DMTX_HOUGH_RES;
houghMax = (houghAvoid - DMTX_HOUGH_RES/6 + DMTX_HOUGH_RES) % DMTX_HOUGH_RES;
if(houghMin > houghMax)
houghTest[i] = (i > houghMin || i < houghMax) ? 1 : 0;
houghTest[i] = (i > houghMin && i < houghMax) ? 1 : 0;
/* Test each angle for steps along path */
for(step = 0; step < tripSteps; step++) {
xDiff = follow.loc.X - rHp.X;
yDiff = follow.loc.Y - rHp.Y;
/* Increment Hough accumulator */
for(i = 0; i < DMTX_HOUGH_RES; i++) {
if((int)houghTest[i] == 0)
dH = (rHvX[i] * yDiff) - (rHvY[i] * xDiff);
if(dH >= -384 && dH <= 384) {
if(dH > 128)
hOffset = 2;
else if(dH >= -128)
hOffset = 1;
hOffset = 0;
/* New angle takes over lead */
if(hough[hOffset][i] > hough[hOffsetBest][angleBest]) {
angleBest = i;
hOffsetBest = hOffset;
/* CALLBACK_POINT_PLOT(follow.loc, (sign > 1) ? 4 : 3, 1, 2); */
follow = FollowStep2(dec, follow, sign);
line.angle = angleBest;
line.hOffset = hOffsetBest;
line.mag = hough[hOffsetBest][angleBest];
return line;
static DmtxPassFail
FindTravelLimits(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg, DmtxBestLine *line)
int i;
int distSq, distSqMax;
int xDiff, yDiff;
int posRunning, negRunning;
int posTravel, negTravel;
int posWander, posWanderMin, posWanderMax, posWanderMinLock, posWanderMaxLock;
int negWander, negWanderMin, negWanderMax, negWanderMinLock, negWanderMaxLock;
int cosAngle, sinAngle;
DmtxFollow followPos, followNeg;
DmtxPixelLoc loc0, posMax, negMax;
/* line->stepBeg is already known to sit on the best Hough line */
followPos = followNeg = FollowSeek(dec, reg, line->stepBeg);
loc0 = followPos.loc;
cosAngle = rHvX[line->angle];
sinAngle = rHvY[line->angle];
distSqMax = 0;
posMax = negMax = followPos.loc;
posTravel = negTravel = 0;
posWander = posWanderMin = posWanderMax = posWanderMinLock = posWanderMaxLock = 0;
negWander = negWanderMin = negWanderMax = negWanderMinLock = negWanderMaxLock = 0;
for(i = 0; i < reg->stepsTotal/2; i++) {
posRunning = (int)(i < 10 || abs(posWander) < abs(posTravel));
negRunning = (int)(i < 10 || abs(negWander) < abs(negTravel));
if(posRunning != 0) {
xDiff = followPos.loc.X - loc0.X;
yDiff = followPos.loc.Y - loc0.Y;
posTravel = (cosAngle * xDiff) + (sinAngle * yDiff);
posWander = (cosAngle * yDiff) - (sinAngle * xDiff);
if(posWander >= -3*256 && posWander <= 3*256) {
distSq = DistanceSquared(followPos.loc, negMax);
if(distSq > distSqMax) {
posMax = followPos.loc;
distSqMax = distSq;
line->stepPos = followPos.step;
line->locPos = followPos.loc;
posWanderMinLock = posWanderMin;
posWanderMaxLock = posWanderMax;
else {
posWanderMin = min(posWanderMin, posWander);
posWanderMax = max(posWanderMax, posWander);
else if(!negRunning) {
if(negRunning != 0) {
xDiff = followNeg.loc.X - loc0.X;
yDiff = followNeg.loc.Y - loc0.Y;
negTravel = (cosAngle * xDiff) + (sinAngle * yDiff);
negWander = (cosAngle * yDiff) - (sinAngle * xDiff);
if(negWander >= -3*256 && negWander < 3*256) {
distSq = DistanceSquared(followNeg.loc, posMax);
if(distSq > distSqMax) {
negMax = followNeg.loc;
distSqMax = distSq;
line->stepNeg = followNeg.step;
line->locNeg = followNeg.loc;
negWanderMinLock = negWanderMin;
negWanderMaxLock = negWanderMax;
else {
negWanderMin = min(negWanderMin, negWander);
negWanderMax = max(negWanderMax, negWander);
else if(!posRunning) {
/* CALLBACK_POINT_PLOT(followPos.loc, 2, 1, 2);
CALLBACK_POINT_PLOT(followNeg.loc, 4, 1, 2); */
followPos = FollowStep(dec, reg, followPos, +1);
followNeg = FollowStep(dec, reg, followNeg, -1);
line->devn = max(posWanderMaxLock - posWanderMinLock, negWanderMaxLock - negWanderMinLock)/256;
line->distSq = distSqMax;
/* CALLBACK_POINT_PLOT(posMax, 2, 1, 1);
CALLBACK_POINT_PLOT(negMax, 2, 1, 1); */
return DmtxPass;
static DmtxPassFail
MatrixRegionAlignCalibEdge(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg, int edgeLoc)
int streamDir;
int steps;
int avoidAngle;
int symbolShape;
DmtxVector2 pTmp;
DmtxPixelLoc loc0, loc1, locOrigin;
DmtxBresLine line;
DmtxFollow follow;
DmtxBestLine bestLine;
/* Determine pixel coordinates of origin */
pTmp.X = 0.0;
pTmp.Y = 0.0;
dmtxMatrix3VMultiplyBy(&pTmp, reg->fit2raw);
locOrigin.X = (int)(pTmp.X + 0.5);
locOrigin.Y = (int)(pTmp.Y + 0.5);
if(dec->sizeIdxExpected == DmtxSymbolSquareAuto ||
(dec->sizeIdxExpected >= DmtxSymbol10x10 &&
dec->sizeIdxExpected <= DmtxSymbol144x144))
symbolShape = DmtxSymbolSquareAuto;
else if(dec->sizeIdxExpected == DmtxSymbolRectAuto ||
(dec->sizeIdxExpected >= DmtxSymbol8x18 &&
dec->sizeIdxExpected <= DmtxSymbol16x48))
symbolShape = DmtxSymbolRectAuto;
symbolShape = DmtxSymbolShapeAuto;
/* Determine end locations of test line */
if(edgeLoc == DmtxEdgeTop) {
streamDir = reg->polarity * -1;
avoidAngle = reg->leftLine.angle;
follow = FollowSeekLoc(dec, reg->locT);
pTmp.X = 0.8;
pTmp.Y = (symbolShape == DmtxSymbolRectAuto) ? 0.2 : 0.6;
else {
assert(edgeLoc == DmtxEdgeRight);
streamDir = reg->polarity;
avoidAngle = reg->bottomLine.angle;
follow = FollowSeekLoc(dec, reg->locR);
pTmp.X = (symbolShape == DmtxSymbolSquareAuto) ? 0.7 : 0.9;
pTmp.Y = 0.8;
dmtxMatrix3VMultiplyBy(&pTmp, reg->fit2raw);
loc1.X = (int)(pTmp.X + 0.5);
loc1.Y = (int)(pTmp.Y + 0.5);
loc0 = follow.loc;
line = BresLineInit(loc0, loc1, locOrigin);
steps = TrailBlazeGapped(dec, reg, line, streamDir);
bestLine = FindBestSolidLine2(dec, loc0, steps, streamDir, avoidAngle);
if(bestLine.mag < 5) {
if(edgeLoc == DmtxEdgeTop) {
reg->topKnown = 1;
reg->topAngle = bestLine.angle;
reg->topLoc = bestLine.locBeg;
else {
reg->rightKnown = 1;
reg->rightAngle = bestLine.angle;
reg->rightLoc = bestLine.locBeg;
return DmtxPass;
static DmtxBresLine
BresLineInit(DmtxPixelLoc loc0, DmtxPixelLoc loc1, DmtxPixelLoc locInside)
int cp;
DmtxBresLine line;
DmtxPixelLoc *locBeg, *locEnd;
/* XXX Verify that loc0 and loc1 are inbounds */
/* Values that stay the same after initialization */
line.loc0 = loc0;
line.loc1 = loc1;
line.xStep = (loc0.X < loc1.X) ? +1 : -1;
line.yStep = (loc0.Y < loc1.Y) ? +1 : -1;
line.xDelta = abs(loc1.X - loc0.X);
line.yDelta = abs(loc1.Y - loc0.Y);
line.steep = (int)(line.yDelta > line.xDelta);
/* Take cross product to determine outward step */
if(line.steep != 0) {
/* Point first vector up to get correct sign */
if(loc0.Y < loc1.Y) {
locBeg = &loc0;
locEnd = &loc1;
else {
locBeg = &loc1;
locEnd = &loc0;
cp = (((locEnd->X - locBeg->X) * (locInside.Y - locEnd->Y)) -
((locEnd->Y - locBeg->Y) * (locInside.X - locEnd->X)));
line.xOut = (cp > 0) ? +1 : -1;
line.yOut = 0;
else {
/* Point first vector left to get correct sign */
if(loc0.X > loc1.X) {
locBeg = &loc0;
locEnd = &loc1;
else {
locBeg = &loc1;
locEnd = &loc0;
cp = (((locEnd->X - locBeg->X) * (locInside.Y - locEnd->Y)) -
((locEnd->Y - locBeg->Y) * (locInside.X - locEnd->X)));
line.xOut = 0;
line.yOut = (cp > 0) ? +1 : -1;
/* Values that change while stepping through line */
line.loc = loc0;
line.travel = 0;
line.outward = 0;
line.error = (line.steep) ? line.yDelta/2 : line.xDelta/2;
/* CALLBACK_POINT_PLOT(loc0, 3, 1, 1);
CALLBACK_POINT_PLOT(loc1, 3, 1, 1); */
return line;
static DmtxPassFail
BresLineGetStep(DmtxBresLine line, DmtxPixelLoc target, int *travel, int *outward)
/* Determine necessary step along and outward from Bresenham line */
if(line.steep != 0) {
*travel = (line.yStep > 0) ? target.Y - line.loc.Y : line.loc.Y - target.Y;
BresLineStep(&line, *travel, 0);
*outward = (line.xOut > 0) ? target.X - line.loc.X : line.loc.X - target.X;
assert(line.yOut == 0);
else {
*travel = (line.xStep > 0) ? target.X - line.loc.X : line.loc.X - target.X;
BresLineStep(&line, *travel, 0);
*outward = (line.yOut > 0) ? target.Y - line.loc.Y : line.loc.Y - target.Y;
assert(line.xOut == 0);
return DmtxPass;
static DmtxPassFail
BresLineStep(DmtxBresLine *line, int travel, int outward)
int i;
DmtxBresLine lineNew;
lineNew = *line;
assert(abs(travel) < 2);
assert(abs(outward) >= 0);
/* Perform forward step */
if(travel > 0) {
if(lineNew.steep != 0) {
lineNew.loc.Y += lineNew.yStep;
lineNew.error -= lineNew.xDelta;
if(lineNew.error < 0) {
lineNew.loc.X += lineNew.xStep;
lineNew.error += lineNew.yDelta;
else {
lineNew.loc.X += lineNew.xStep;
lineNew.error -= lineNew.yDelta;
if(lineNew.error < 0) {
lineNew.loc.Y += lineNew.yStep;
lineNew.error += lineNew.xDelta;
else if(travel < 0) {
if(lineNew.steep != 0) {
lineNew.loc.Y -= lineNew.yStep;
lineNew.error += lineNew.xDelta;
if(lineNew.error >= lineNew.yDelta) {
lineNew.loc.X -= lineNew.xStep;
lineNew.error -= lineNew.yDelta;
else {
lineNew.loc.X -= lineNew.xStep;
lineNew.error += lineNew.yDelta;
if(lineNew.error >= lineNew.xDelta) {
lineNew.loc.Y -= lineNew.yStep;
lineNew.error -= lineNew.xDelta;
for(i = 0; i < outward; i++) {
/* Outward steps */
lineNew.loc.X += lineNew.xOut;
lineNew.loc.Y += lineNew.yOut;
*line = lineNew;
return DmtxPass;
static void
WriteDiagnosticImage(DmtxDecode *dec, DmtxRegion *reg, char *imagePath)
int row, col;
int width, height;
unsigned char *cache;
int rgb[3];
FILE *fp;
DmtxVector2 p;
DmtxImage *img;
assert(reg != NULL);
fp = fopen(imagePath, "wb");
if(fp == NULL) {
width = dmtxDecodeGetProp(dec, DmtxPropWidth);
height = dmtxDecodeGetProp(dec->image, DmtxPropHeight);
img = dmtxImageCreate(NULL, width, height, DmtxPack24bppRGB);
/* Populate image */
for(row = 0; row < height; row++) {
for(col = 0; col < width; col++) {
cache = dmtxDecodeGetCache(dec, col, row);
if(cache == NULL) {
rgb[0] = 0;
rgb[1] = 0;
rgb[2] = 128;
else {
dmtxDecodeGetPixelValue(dec, col, row, 0, &rgb[0]);
dmtxDecodeGetPixelValue(dec, col, row, 1, &rgb[1]);
dmtxDecodeGetPixelValue(dec, col, row, 2, &rgb[2]);
p.X = col;
p.Y = row;
dmtxMatrix3VMultiplyBy(&p, reg->raw2fit);
if(p.X < 0.0 || p.X > 1.0 || p.Y < 0.0 || p.Y > 1.0) {
rgb[0] = 0;
rgb[1] = 0;
rgb[2] = 128;
else if(p.X + p.Y > 1.0) {
rgb[0] += (0.4 * (255 - rgb[0]));
rgb[1] += (0.4 * (255 - rgb[1]));
rgb[2] += (0.4 * (255 - rgb[2]));
dmtxImageSetRgb(img, col, row, rgb);
/* Write additional markers */
rgb[0] = 255;
rgb[1] = 0;
rgb[2] = 0;
dmtxImageSetRgb(img, reg->topLoc.X, reg->topLoc.Y, rgb);
dmtxImageSetRgb(img, reg->rightLoc.X, reg->rightLoc.Y, rgb);
/* Write image to PNM file */
fprintf(fp, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", width, height);
for(row = height - 1; row >= 0; row--) {
for(col = 0; col < width; col++) {
dmtxImageGetRgb(img, col, row, rgb);
fwrite(rgb, sizeof(char), 3, fp);
